Chapter 4

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( the amv contains the song you're gonna sing)
You really didn't want to sing. You never sing in public!

A girl came over smiling, "C'mon, girl. You can do it." She took your hand and pulled you over to the stage. "W-wait! N-no!" You protested but you were on stage already. The girl noticed your fairy tail mark and you felt nervous. Please let her not say it. "We have a girl from Fairy Tail!" She shouted in the mic and everyone got quiet. You sighed deep. You knew no one would like it. Everyone hated Fairy Tail then.

You saw the lyric on the lacrima vision and recognised the song.

"Now I will tell you what I've done for you -
50 thousand tears I've cried.
Screaming, deceiving and bleeding for you -
And you still won't hear me (going under)
Don't want your hand this time - I'll save myself.
Maybe I'll wake up for once (wake up for once)
Not tormented daily defeated by you
Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom

I'm dying again

I'm going under (going under)
Drowning in you (drowning in you)
I'm falling forever (falling forever)
I've got to break through
I'm going under

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies.
(So I don't know what's real)
So I don't know what's real and what's not (don't know what's real and what's not)
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can't trust myself anymore

I'm dying again

I'm going under (going under)
Drowning in you (drowning in you)
I'm falling forever (falling forever)
I've got to break through


So go on and scream
Scream at me I'm so far away (so far away)
I won't be broken again (again)
I've got to breathe - I can't keep going under

I'm dying again

I'm going under (going under)
Drowning in you (drowning in you)
I'm falling forever (falling forever)
I've got to break through

I'm going under (going under)
I'm going under (drowning in you)
I'm going under"

While singing you eventually glanced at Sting once in a while. The look on his face was.... waw. He looked at you like you were a star, a light.

People cheered when you finished and You wanted to go back to your seat but the chick wouldn't let you. "Look how good a fairy is at singin!" She shouted. 'Then you should hear Mira..' you thought. "What about singing another song?" She asked. "No." You said and tried to escape again, but she held your shoulder. "C'mon! The people here love it!" "Sorry" You said, not completely meaning it, and got out of her grip.

You walked back to the table and took your jacket, getting ready to leave. "Where are you going?" Sting asked rising an eyebrow. "I'm going to the Inn" You said. "Wait I'm walking you there." Sting said and stood up. "What do you think everyone will do when they see you?" You asked him as he sighed in reply. "I know I know, but it's late and I don't want perverts-" "Like you" "-to get to you" this guy... what a drag... "Ok, but don't get to close to the inn." You warned him as the two of you walked out after Sting left some money to pay the food.


"I didn't know you could sing" Sting said. "I can't" you stated. "You can, and believe me, I'm not the person who gives much compliments." "Well thanks I guess..." You said with a little blush covering your cheecks. You couldn't believe you were blushing! Even if it was a little, you were blushing! For a tiger! Named Sting! Who's too high of himself in any way!! And who's cute!



That weren't your words....
Ok, they were, but... I mean... seriously... admit Sting is hot and cute and- (Y/N)! What's the big deal anyway? It's usuall you blush, you already blushed for him once... when he stared at you in that dress competition. So why is it any different right now?? This is so cliché, you sighed.

You looked at Sting who was smirking at you. "What?" You asked him, "Ooh nothing... except that your blushing." Shit he noticed... "Whatever floats your boat, Eucliffe."

Sting chuckled at your comment. "We're here." He said. You looked up seeing your inn. "Thanks for the food... and for walking me here." "No problem. See you tomorrow, right?" He smirked looking down at you. "Sure." You said and walked to your inn while he ran to his.

You walked into your room, only to be met by 2 dragon slayers. One obviously drunk: not wanting to hide it either, and the other... well he did drink but he could think straight... whatever you wanna call straight. "Where were you?" Drunk Gajeel asked you, "Geeze, not again" You sighed. "I was eating, in a restaurant." "(Y/N) you're lying." Laxus said, crossing his arms. "Why the heck would I be lying about this?" You rised an eyebrow. Being the only sober one in the room you felt smarter then them.

"Because... you *hic*" "Gajeel don't even try, go to bed! Now!" You were younger, but not weak. "Noo" "How much did you even drink?! Usually you aren't this drunk." Before Gajeel could answer you were pulling him to his room by his hair. "You're a moron." You said, pushing him onto his bed and leaving.

"I'm not done talking yet" Laxus said in your room. You sighed, "What a drag..." "With who were you in that restaurant."

"With someone super awesome and cool and strong."


"Me, myself and I!" You shouted with a quite happy tone. Laxus face was priceless. "Could you now leave, I wish to get some sleep, tomorrow Grand Magic Games, day 3, remember?" You reminded him. "Ofcourse I know!" "I am not at service to help with any kind of headache you might have tomorrow." You pushed Laxus out of the door by his back and slammed the door close.

"They are sucha drag..." (...I might be watching to much naruto (Shikamaru) lately) (did I write his name right?)

*The next day*

Mystogan ( Jellal ) wasn't here today so Cana took his place. She and Erza participated in the Game thing.

You were proud, and speechless, as Erza beated 100 of those monsters. "...This... is... ERZA!" You shouted happily. You smiled brightly as you watched what they were doing with the rest. The MPF a.k.a Magic Power Finder.

Cana ended up destroying the MPF and winning so hard. You smirked while looking at Sting's balcony, without other people noticing.

You mouthed 'We won', but he didn't react, he just did the usual thing. You can already guess what it is. Staring and smirking.. Dont forget freaking you out with that face he was pulling. You sighed and turned away.

Alot happened that day, but the best for you was Wendy vs Chelia. It was cute, and they were both so strong. You couldn't believe that was Wendy. The Wendy who helped with Oracion Seis was... Different. Then on Tenrou... She was already a little stronger.. But not this strong and determined to win. To win for us... You were gonna talk to her about that later today, you said to yourself.

The GMG once again ended,

With Chelia and Wendy being friends.



..idk what to say...

Keep up the voting and commenting

(Gomen for grammar mistakes)

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