Chapter 13

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You went back to the Sabertooth guild with the group, not only because your bag was still there but also because you were invited for a stay-over by Yukino, so they could also swim a bit the next day and have fun and blablabla. "Thank you for the invitation, Yukino." You smiled at the celestial mage, who returned the kind smile, "With pleasure, (Y/N)-sama."

"Please, drop the '-sama'." You looked around the place when you said that, you had returned to the guild hall and Rogue was sitting at the table with Frosch, pulling him in a small hug after exchanging a few words with the exceed. A few tables away from that, you got Sting arguing with Orga and Rufus about something. Reading the look on his face it was some serious business, probably something to do with being master.

"We can't take the risk." "Are you sure that you heard them, right?" "They were talking to me. I think I did."

"Sting!" Sting's head snapped to your direction, "What is it, (Y/N)?" "Lector was wondering when we were going, he didn't want to interrupt your conversation so he asked me to ask you." You grinned, picking up the exceed who stood on a table next to you. "(Y-Y/N)-chan.." Lector stuttered, at the moment he didn't like the attention of the trio doing some serious talking. "Just another five minutes OK? Then we'll be going, grab your stuff already (Y/N)." Sting said as if he was in command of a group mages ready for a mission. 'That was strange' you thought, but you did as he said and grabbed your back, having a small talk with Yukino and Rogue, even though it looked like the male wasn't really paying attention to it. His attention was more going to a group of three mages in the corner.

After another few minutes, you, Sting, Rogue, Frosh, Lector and Yukino walked out of the guild. "This is gonna be a great evening, (Y/N)-sa... (Y/N)." Yukino smiled at you. You laughed, "I know it will."

You decided to hold the sleepover at Rogue's and Sting's place, so when you arrived there, you noticed how nice their place actually was. "This place is so nice.." You said, a small smile plastering on your face when you saw a picture of the guild after the Grand Magic Games. They looked so happy, so much more than before the games started. Sting stood next to you and followed your eyes to the picture, "That's al because of you, that we were able to be happy like that.." You felt his breath on your ear, "That I was able to be happy like that." He whispered and a small flush spread over your cheeks. "T-that's not true, it's probably all because of Natsu.. He knocked some sense into you, right?" You chuckled nervously, while scratching the side of your neck. "That's not what I meant though, of course Natsu-san did knock some sense into me, but you did it on another way.." Sting trailed off after saying that, and you wondered what he meant, but didn't ask after it.

Not that long after, the four- or well six, including the exceeds, were seated in the couch, arguing about what movie to watch. When they asked you for help you said you didn't have an opinion so the arguing continued. "Oh please, me and (Y/N) want to want a romance, right (Y/N)?" Yukino turned to you, who sweatdropped and repeated what you said a minute ago already. "I really do not have an opinion." you stated. "Means there are two votes for the action/thriller/horror movie!" Sting exclaimed, which send shivers down your spine. You know you said you had no opinion, but you're really not fond of horror. "H-horror?" You said, a drop of sweat rolling down your forehead. "Yeah! Why not!" Sting grinned. ( Bitch pls this is the oldest thing of the book...I'm sorry :') ) "A-alright then." You cleared your throat. "Anyway, no matter what movie we'll watch. We'll have fun." You forced a smile, OK you're a good fighter but you're dead scared of horror. Where's the logic? Don't ask me, I'm probably the most unlogical person in the world if I didn't tell you already. 

Rogue pressed the 'play' button and you guys watched the movie. You practially ignored the screen and looked down on your lap the whole time, untill Sting leaned down and whispered in your ear, "You're not watching?" He asked you, keeping his voice low not to bother the others. "Not really.." Sting rised an eyebrow, "You don't like horror?" You shook your head and turned away. Sting smirked and took the oppertunity to put an arm around you and lying your head on his chest. Your eyes slightly widdened, as you burried your face in his chest, his scent entering your nose. His really nice scent. Gold, what am I even thinking. He has such a fir- OKAY I'm going back into clichè's. You wanted to facepalm, but you didn't want to pull away from this embrace. You just closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The movie ended, but knowing you were asleep, Sting didn't make a move. "Oya oya, Sting-kun trying to get the girl." Lector grinned, "You go Sting-kun!" "Sting-sama, if she's asleep, maybe you should lay her d-" She got interupted by Sting, who nodded a no. "You should let Sting handle this, you'll understand in a few weeks.. or months." Rogue patted Yukino's shoulder and they all layed down on the matresses that were spread on the ground for them, exept for Sting. He tried to lay down on the couch without waking you up, your head sleeping further on his chest. He actually broke out a big smile before closing his eyes and falling into a deep, nice, sleep as well.


I'm so sorry this took me so liong, gosh ,I wrote this in so many parts I barely have knowledge of what I just wrote. So I hope you enjoyed this (crappy) chapter, and sorry it will probably take another very long while before I update again.

Well, have a good holiday, vacation thing for the people.
Good luck with everything else for the other people.

Keep watching anime!

Keep watching anime!

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