Chapter 5

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The grand magic games were over for today and the guild, including you, went to the bar.

Everyone started drinking once again, but before you joined them you went to talk with Wendy, she was so happy. Her eyes lit up when you told her how strong she grew, even if she lost, she didn't give up too. If we looked back she would have never gotten so far in a fight.

When your conversation had ended you went to Cana and also started drinking (no limits).

Cana ended up as drunk as ever, while Gajeel was carrying you around on his back, because you asked too. "(Y/N), I think it's enough now," Drunk Laxus shouted and you stuck your tong out at him. Laxus didn't have the time to react because Gajeel 'accidently' dropped you on the ground. "Hey!" You shouted as you stood up. It was hard, but u got there. A few people from the guild, being also drunk, laughed their ass off. "Tsk," You walked out of the cafe, even though it wasn't smart. It was dark, you were drunk, you are pretty, there excist something as perverts.

After one streat you bumped into a firm chest. "Hey! Wash is!" ( Hey! Watch it! ) "(Y/N)?" Sting looked at you a little surprised. "Yea?" "Are you drunk?" The blond dragon slayer asked. "No" You said with a drunk manner, making it obvious you were. "Sure." Sting said a little sarcastic and threw you over his shoulder. "Les me go!" (Let me go!) "It's not good for you to be here, like this, at night, alone." You started spartling, but it helped nothing, so you gave up after a while and stayed quiet till you arrived at... "Do you think you can handle yourself?" "I thought so.." Sting sweatdropped as you shoock your head. "I'm going to stay till you fall asleep." He brought you inside of your inn into your room and layed you down on the bed you said was yours.

The white dragon slayer sat on the side of the bed watching you. "I don't wanna sleeep" You shouted childish, "Keep it down a bit will ya? And you'll have too" You puffed your cheecks and crossed your arms. "I hoped I didn't have to do it." Sting layed down next to you, took your arms, held them down and hugged you from behind. You're back against his chest. His face in your neck. "Sleeep" He hummed against your skin. You had a small blush covering your face as you leaned a little into his embrace and closed your eyes. Slowly falling asleep. "Goodnight (Y/N)" Is the last thing you heard. The last thing you felt was a small kiss being planted on your cheeck.

Sting watched you sleep for a little while, but when he heard footsteps he got up and left, leaving a small letter in your hand. You're hand was covered by your blanket so no one would see the paper, hopefully.

The door opened a little, "(Y/N)?" Mira's whispered, checking if you were there and if so you were wake or not. Wich you weren't. Smiling a little she closed the door again, seeing that you were smiling in your sleep.

Sting hurried to his inn, hoping no one would have noticed his late arrival, he was there when Yukino got thrown out of the guild, but he sneeked out when Lector was asleep. He climbed up the balcony and walked in his room, he took of his shirt ( fangirls: *squeel* ) and laid down in bed. He thought of you while slowly falling asleep... As he was about to sleep completely Rogue walked in. "What?" "An intruder" Sting got up, fastly put on a shirt amd walked into the big hall, only to see Natsu fight.

*Next day*

That morning when you woke up, you read the small letter and the smile didn't leave your face for the rest of the morning. You walked downstairs to get your breakfast and met up with the Thunder Legion plus Laxus. "Goodmorning" You smiled. "What are you so happy about? Got yourself a boyfriend?" Evergreen asked you, as Laxus choked on his food. You giggled and shook your head, "No need to worry about it, I dont," You bowed closer to Ever and whispered something in her ear that made Laxus pissed because he could hear it and you knew it.

You and Ever talked a little while eating and then you guys head to the arena.

Sting arrived at the Arena a little after the rest of his guild and spotted you walking in with your guilmates, looking really happy. That fact made him smile. He walked to the Sabertooth Balcony and sat down on the bench there. Rogue took a place next to him. "Sting, you ok?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" "You don't seem like yourself" Rogue said and then kept quiet. Sting shrugged amd looked over at the fairy balcony. 'Why do I still keep thinking about her? I thought-' "Sting, if you want to say something then just speak, your mumbling is annoying." Minerva said to the blond. "Sorry, milady"

On the fairy balcony, you stared in front of you dreamily and sighed. "(Y/N) are you ok?" A sweet voicd asked you, "You act like you're in love"
"W-wha?? I'm not!" You defended yourself. "I hate to admit it but you are." Gajeel butted in. You mumbled something and turned away. "Ghehe, is our little (Y/N) in loveee?" Gajeel teased you and pinched your cheecks, making you send a glare in his direction. "Back off" You said with a dark aura surrounding you. The iron dragon slayer took a step back, seeing that you looked like Erza. "Well done (Y/N)" "Thanks Mira, you and Erza teach me well." You said laughing. "It's the least we can do when you have to deal with 3 Male Dragon Slayers everyday." Mira giggled. 'Make that 4' you thought to yourself.

After that conversation you decided to go in the game thing, "But how about your other elements, you can only use them all remember?"
"I trained in the 3 months." With that you went to change and then went in the Arena. You looked at the Saber participant. A girl, not Yukino..

'Who is she..?'


Sorry that I update slow


Forgive me, also for saying that the next update win't come fast either.

Really, sorry.

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