Chapter 12! Where is Fro?!

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The next day you woke up and grabbed a bag, in that bag you put your swimwear and a few towels before you'd forget. After that you walked down the stairs and saw a blond head sleeping in the couch. You rised an eyebrow and hit his head, "Wake up, moron." Without opening his eyes he pulled your head down to his chest. "Don't disturb my sleep, Trashy(Y/N)." You backed away and grinned, "Of course, I just wanted to ask you not to break off my house while I'm gone, you have your own." A small grin was formed on his face, "I can't promise anything you know."

Later you arrived at the Sabertooth guild hall, immediately met by a kind of way to serious looking guild hall. You kept quiet and swallowed, thinking 'what is going on here?' You heard some rumors on your way about Sting acting strange today, but you thought it was strange in another way. "Take off your clothes." 'OK no, that's not Sting, he's messing around.' You looked at everyone as they obeyed his orders, and of course, "Because our pool's completed!" He shouted cheerfully, dancing around, when most of the guild members already went into the pool. A smile appeared on your face, 'what do you mean, strange?' "You're a little too excited, Sting." You heard Rogue say, and you caught a glimpse of his smile. Sting jumped into the water and swim a whole lot, smiling brightly at that. "Hello!" You shouted, getting only attention of Rogue, Rufus and Orga. Yukino was busy playing in the water with Sting, which for some reason gave you an uneasy feeling. "Hello, (Y/N)." "Y/N I have no memory of you looking so good before." That was when you were just wearing normal clothes and your hair in a ponytail. "(Y/N)! Jump in!" Well normal clothes... You were wearing your swimming short with a normal T-shirt. Before you left you decided to wear your bikini beneath your clothes, so you could immediately join in on the fun. "Yeah, be right there." You turned around, taking of your shirt, pulling some boys attention, while listening to the convo of Orga and Rufus. Who were talking about 'being the only guild with a pool'. You decided to not ruin the fun and keep quiet about your guild's pool. It surprised you that Sting, who was now splashing Rogue, still didn't notice you. "Oi! Sting! Your girlfriend is here!" Orga shouted at Sting's head. His head snapped towards you and your eyes met. Time seemed to stop for a moment, for both you and him.

The moment was interrupted by, "Sting-kun!" Lector was quiet for a second, "eh...Master...I mean..." Sting grinned, "Forget the Master thing Lector, what's the panic about?" Lector looked kind of scared, "W-we got an emergency! W-while we were shopping, Frosh disappeared on me!" "Seriously?" "What?!" Oh yeah..Frosh is Rogue's cat.. "Lector! How could that happen when he was with you?!"

"Oi Rogue, don't put all the blame on Lector!" Sting said, while grabbing Rogue's shoulder. "Let me tell you! Frosh has no sense of direction!" "That's not Lectors fault!" The two started fighting and since they ignored Yukino, you just decided to hit them full power with water. Well not fullpower but hard. "NO TIME FOR THIS!" You screamed at their heads. "If Frosh is walking Around alone, we should go find him? Don't you think?" You said matter of factly.

They all got dressed in a few minutes, you didn't even get in the water so you only had to put your shirt back on. Just before all of you ( You, Yukino, Sting, Rogue and Lector ) left the guildhall, Sting leaned close to you and whispered in your ear, "I'm glad you came." After that he pulled away and walked out.

At some place Lector stopped walking, "This is where I lost him." And some more information, not necessary for me. Rogue just kept screaming, "Frosh!" The guilt Lector felt was obviously a little unbearable. He kept talking about how he tried looking for Frosh and such. Sting had a small smile on his face listening to Lector. You kneeled down beside the exceed before patting his head, "It's fine, we'll find him." You grinned at him. It didn't seem to help calm Lector down, so you picked him up and hugged him a little. "Hey, isn't that Gajeel-sama?" Yukino said, nodding to a big figure, talking to some man who sold... Iron stuff. Sting and Yukino started running towards him, "Gajeel-san!"
Before you could even blink, Rogue had grabbed Gajeel's collar and started shouting. Sting tried to hold him back, and you put Lector down while Sting did the explanation. "Frosh? That frog?" "He's a cat!" "An exceed to be exact." Pantherlily pointed behind him, "I actually saw him walking there around 10 minutes ago." "Yush! Thank you" The dragon twin started running as fast as possible. "U-um, thank you!" Yukino thanked Gajeel and followed the twin. "See ya latah, Metallic." You grinned and started following them all.

After running a little and shouting for Frosh, I saw a blue spot with a white spot on the ground next to it. "Wendy! Carla!" We approached them and Sting just wanted to ask Wendy about Frosh when...Rogue started to scare Wendy. "Oh lord.." Sting hit Rogue full on and made so his biceps show nicely... And well yeah.. Why does he always were something that only covers his chest.. Before you knew, Sting grabbed your arm and pulled you with, "C'mon, you have all the time to drool over my body later, now we have to find Frosh." Your face heated up immensely, "I wasn't!" "Tell that yourself." You couldn't stand the big smirk on his face.

Next up was...Ichiya. Oh no.
"Oi! Have you seen Fr-" ...Ichiya sent a blow kiss towards Rogue, and the heart touched him right on the lips. Next we know is Rogue hitting Ichiya. ( No not hitting on ) "Don't just hit people like that!" Sting lectured Rogue, for the 100th time today ( 3-4th time ). I never thought to be able to live this day...Sting lecturing Rogue.. "Sorry..I wasn't thinking." "No, not at all. It was an eye-opening blow." Why was Ichiya laying on a beach-chair with a cocktail in his hand? With only a... I don't even want to go into detail.
"Actually, Frosh-sama is missing.."
Ichiya sparkled, "I know the answer to that!" Rogue's eyes widened, "Where?!" "Right here! Fresh!" not make me tell you what happened. All you should know is that Rogue let all his powers go the next few seconds. "Well we're in a hurr-" "Sting, you shouldn't even try to apologise to him. He doesn't deserve it." You said, trying to erase the memory just formed.

After looking for 30 minutes, Yukino suddenly spoke up, "Look! Over there!" You looked over at the spot Yukino pointed too and saw Frosh in front of a map... A map? "Yes! We found him!" Sting shouted happily. ( I apologise to Yukino X Rogue/Sting shippers) As you were about to approach Frosh, Rogue stopped you, "Wait." ...


A small flush on your cheeks, showed your embarrassment, when Rogue accidentally groped your breast. Soon enough two fists connected with Rogue's cheek, sending him a few metres away. ( uh..sorry but I'm too lazy to start with feet and such ) Both you and Sting just hit Rogue. "I'm so sorry for him." Sting said, his face not even showing any sign of sorrow, he was just serious. It looked hot tbh lets be honest y'all. After Rogue recovered, and apologised a few times, he explained why we had too wait. It seems that Frosh is trying to find his way back to the guild on his own. So you end up following him quietly all the way to the guild.... But....

I'm not gonna spoil you the end, this is episode 27 from Fairy Tail (2014) if you want to watch or rewatch.

Sorry I cut it off like this towards the end but I wanna sleep and I wanted to update as well.

Sorry it took so long 😣😣 and I'd like to say that I'll update sooner next time but I can't I'm sorry, I can't promise anything. And next week I'm going to York with ma class for a week, yush. ( no not New York, just York. )

Well...see ya next time :)

Hope y'all liked it a bit?

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