Chapter 11

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You know that feeling when you're about to beat someone up, right? When you're so angry you want to hurt him/her?

Well know you totaly had the opposite feeling, you were eating you're favorite snack and Lily was eating Kiwis. Pantherlily had a really happy look on his face and sparkles in his eyes. "Are you enjoying it?" You said, taking a bite of your snack. "Hmm" Pantherlily hummed and got full attention on the kiwis. You laughed and patted his head. "Gajeel was acting strange just now, do you know if something's wrong?" Lily shook his head, not even wanting to say a word, enjoying his kiwi too much. You sighed, "I'm just worried...he's been so overprotective lately." Pantherlily sighed and put his kiwi down, "Don't worry (Y/N), I swear nothing's wrong." He put his paw on your hand and smiled at you. "Now be honest with me Lily, is he dating Levy? I mean I busted them being cute it official?" You grinned at the exceed. "..alright yes they do, they are dating." You jumped up from the bench. "Yes yes yes!" You started dancing around, leaving the cat to laugh. "Haha (Y/N) you're pulling attention!"

"I don't care." You grinned.

"Ok now be honest with me. I know you're not dating that tiger, but do you like him?" Pantherlily grinned at you. you shook your head, frowning. "No, I don't." Pantherlily rised an eyebrow, "But you did gladly accept that necklace?" He sighed, "I'll never understand you." You sighed, "We're friends, and he promised a surprise if I didn't dri-" "(Y/N)? Is there something you need to tell me?" Panther said, rising an eyebrow, the grin spreading wider. "Noooo.." You looked away, you didn't tell any of them why Sting gave you that necklace, for some reason everyone thinks you're dating eachother... But you know that's not true *talks about both Y/N & readers*, right? get the 'for some reason' part, if they don't know the reason he gave you the necklace ofcourse they'd think you're dating.

"Obviously yes, spill it." Pantherlily demanded and you looked away. If you told them you met up with Sting and he was the one bringing you back to the dorm... Well it wasn't on purpose! *sigh*

"I'll tell you one time." You said and stood up, "Shouldn't we start heading towards your place? It's getting dark soon." Panther nodded and you guys started walking to Gajeel's place. It was a small two story house not that far from the guild hall.

"Gajeeeel we're hereee!" You shout knocking on the door. No response. You knocked again, but yet no response.

You looked down at Lily when he got a key out of the middle of nowhere. "Heh, happens alot doesn't it?" You ask laughing. "Usually I'm with Gajeel but sometimes a come in earlier, because he's with Levy, and then I use this key." You laughed. "Ofcourse." Lily opened the door and let you get inside of the appartement first and followed then behind you. "Gajeel?" You tried another time walking upstairs after checking the living room. You knocked on the door of his room and walked inside, no one. You suddenly felt a shadow hover over you from behind, and a chill went up your spine. You hands were placed on your shoulders...


You turned around and kicked the person with long black hair, and quite some piercings on his face. "Dammit Gajeel!" You shouted at the iron dragon slayer. "I swear I'll kick you in the face some time." Gajeel stood up, smirking, "Awh, was little (Y/N)-chan scared?"

"Well you appeared outa nowhere... Why didn't you come to open the door?" You pouted slightly, looking away. "I was to lazy." Your faced turned like this ~> -.-

"You and your lazy butt." You sighed, "Come downstairs, I wanna play cards with you and Pantherlily." Gajeel was the one who taught you, so for everyone who thinks he can't play cards, he can.

And a funny, lovely evening it was.

When you and Gajeel walked into the guild the next day, you were surprised to see a blond guy with a scar above his left eye, no not Laxus. He was talking to Mira. "Oh, she's right there." Mirajane nodded your way and the blond turned around the look at you. "(Y/N)-chan!" Sting grinned and walked over to you. "H-hi Sting" You greated, awkwardly looking around, knowing what everyone was thinking. "I have to ask you something." He said, his face still bright happy. You nodded, "What is it?"

"Well.." He noticed everyone's stares and scratched the back of his neck, "Would you just come to Saber tomorrow?" The blond asked you and whispered in your ear to bring your swimsuit. "Uhm, I guess that's alright, I'm gonna try." You said, and looked at Cana who was grinning wide. You just shook your head at her. "Don't." You murmered. She laughed and went back to drinking. You got tired of everyone looking at you and grabbed Sting's hand, walking outside with him. "Why do you wa-" "Surprise. Just be there." Sting said, a grin on his face. "Okay okay.." You couldn't help but look down and smile a little. When you looked back up at Sting's face, his eyes were a little widened and his mouth a little open, "..What's wrong?" You asked him.

His face turned into a smile, a sparkle in his eyes, " Nothing.." He was looking at something a little under your chin and above your chest. You reached after your neck and felt the necklace, you giggled when you did so. "Surprised I'm actually wearing it?" You asked, still looking at his face. "Kinda.." He took the necklace between his fingers. A warm smile appeared on your face, "So, swimwear? Are you taking me on a pool date or did Sabertooth get a pool and I'm so special to you that you want me to be at the grand opening?" You said the last part joking. "Actually, yeah, I wanted to ask you because you're my first friend out of the guild, even just one of my first friends in general." Sting grinned. "..."

"Is something wrong?"

"..Wait did Sabertooth actually get a pool?!"


Ok sorry but it might take longer for the next chapter since ( you're probably seeing it comming ) it's gonna be based on the 'Where is fro' episode. I couldn't make you guys wait longer :)

Thanks that you're still reading this :)

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