Chapter 16

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"We're here.."

Gajeel and Melody stood in front of an old, abandoned looking mansion-ish thing. It kind of resembeled his old guild hall, only in a darker forest and even older, and ofcourse more broken down. "Is this it? Geez, the villains these days don't have style at all." Melody laughed at Gajeel's comment, "Well what would a villain be if they came at you in a fancy dress and brought you to their big fancy mansion with walls of gold." She replied while looking at Gajeel with a smug look on her face. "That isn't a villain but a rich bastard. Who wants more money." Gajeel clenched his jaw a little. "I feel offended." Melody said fake offended, a smile heard in her voice. "Are we going in?"

"We?" Melody looked Gajeel in the eyes, "What makes you think I'm going with you?" Gajeel rolled his eyes. "The fact that you're actually a part of this organization and are trying to lure me in a trap, maybe?"
Melody placed her hand on her chest, a fake hurt look on her face, "You don't trust me?" Her voice didn't even sound serious. "Who would." Gajeel took a step towards the building, "C'mon lets go, I'll beat your and everyone's ass inside, when I found what I'm looking for." "So you don't really care, you're not even a little anxious for the outcome?" Gajeel looked back over his shoulder, his eyes glowing red, a shadow falling over his face. "I have never been this confident." 


Meanwhile the search from Laxus, Gray and Erza wasn't going as smooth as they hoped so, they were aware it wasn't going to be easy on beforehand. "Not even a single sign, neither of Gajeel nor (Y/N)." Gray sighed, looking at Erza, "What do we do." Laxus sniffed the air, "I don't know." He stated after that. "We can't just-" They were interupted by the the lacrama they brought with them. It started glowing and was receiving signals. "What is it?" Erza asked, looking into the Lacrama, seeing Gajeel, standing next to Mira. "Look people! He's back!" Laxus ignored Mira and stared into Gajeel's crimson eyes through the lacrima. "Any signs?" Gajeel sighed and shook his head, "No one has seen or heard anything, you can come back now. We'll continue the search together." The blackhaired dragon slayer stated. Laxus rose his eyebrow, something was off, something was definitely off. "OK, we're on our way back." Laxus said and broke connection. He looked at the two others who were with him. "You two go back to the guild, I'll continue the search solo." "But La-" "I've been wandering around solo for quite some time, there's no one who knows the abandoned places in the surrounding city's better than me. "Are you sure about that?" Gray said. Laxus nodded.

After the two had left, Laxus went another direction. 'Something is off, something is definitely off', He repeated in his mind. He was going to find out what, and he knew exactly where to go to find out.

* with (Y/N) *

'Somewhere deep in the dark forest, there was a dark guild, a guild known for threatening the king of Fiore. Well, they were known by the king and his daughter, for that fact. All of a sudden, their guildmaster had a marvelous idea, even if I say so myself. The master knew a person, a little fragile female, part of the fairy tail guild, who had the powers to, if used the right way, destroy the wor-' Your eyes opened, while you were gasping for air. You looked around the room, trying to locate yourself. "Finally awake? My lady?" A male voice spoke from the shadows. "You little son of a-" you started. Your troat felt sore, and the skin felt like it was bruning, like you were strangled just now. "My my, my lady, don't act like that." You kept looking around the room, your hands were tied behind your back and held by something strong. There was a small window in the dirty wall. Outside there were alot of trees, which meant you couldn't see far, nor could you see alot in the room, since the trees blocked the sunlight. "You figured out where you are yet?" The male spoke, suddenely standing next to you and looking at the dirty walls with you. "It smells horrible here, you know." The male chuckled, "It's the only hideout we have for option." "Yet my biggest worry is, why do you keep the male-cloth on?" You stated, rising an eyebrow at him. The male let out a soft laugh, you saw his face, and even tho you already knew who he was on beforehand, you stared in awe. "Don't girls rather like being kidnapped by handsome males then?" You looked away and sighed, "It's only weird, knowing who you actually are." "C'mon! I'm handsome!" You rose an eyebrow, "You act like a dork when you look like a male." "Handsome." 'He' corrected. You shook you're head, "Just change back already." The 'male' stood in front of you, 'his' clothes changing while the skincolor went a little whiter. The shortbrown hair the figure had before turned a darker shade of brown with red stripes in it, while growing 'till the hair was halfway their back, her (finally getting to it) lips were a dark red. "I thought I told you to drop the lipstick already." You sighed. "But hello Jess, long time no see." "Yes indeed, (Y/N)." "I only wish it was longer." You mumbled. "Why you little-!"

A minute of silence followed.

"You know, you could've saved us all the trouble and just worked with us in the first place." The female, Jess, said, looking down at you. "You're an idiot if you think I would voluntairly destroy Fiore." "(Y/N-" "NO!" You looked up at Jess, "Even at the age of 10 I was still smarter than that." Jess sighed and turned away, "I'm gonna do it anyway, take your powers, destroy Fiore. Take revenge for everything." "Eitnu em won." You tried to spell, I kind of magic you've tried practicing. You got annoyed when the rope-ish things only got tighter around you. "I was prepared for that, remember," she leaned close to you, looking you dead in the eye, "I know you better than anyone." With that she stood up straight, walking out of the room, her form morphing back into the male she was before, with her last words "They'll find you, and I'll kill them." hanging around the room.

I had this for a while...but I would wanna rewrite it or make it longer but yeah that didn't happen, and I didn't wanna make you guys wait longer...this is gonna get real confusing.

Updates are hella slow sorry
But I don't think that'll change soon
I'm having a bit trouble with things lately so yeah

You know you love me
Reference of a show I just started

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