Chapter 6

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"We're about to start the Naval battle!" Pumpkin dude said excited. Then some talking followed at how pretty all the girls looked.

The participants were: Chelia,
that Minerva chick,
Lucy and

You looked at Sting from the corner of your eyes, and caught him scanning your body smirking. You looked away blushing slightly.
You turned your attention to the other participants. The game started with Jenny pushing out Rocker, making only girls left in the waterglobe. You started concentrating your magic power, and forced your magic so only 2 elements were left, water and earth. "Let's do this" You formed waterballs with earth rocks and send the attack to all the girls. Minerva avoided it, so did Chelia and Lucy, who got the help off Aquarias, who attacked you back, way to gently. Aquarius said some things to Lucy and dissapeared. You weren't listening to Aquarius, you were forming another attack. "Elemental dragon's... water roar!" Since you had trained for 3 months, you were able to use one element at the time, but you had to concentrate really hard, and concentrating isn't one of your strong factors.

You had roared Chelia out, the other two avoided your attack. "Only two are left" You smirked at the Saber chick. "You're done" You said, your body got absorbed by the water, and reappeared behind Minerva. You tried to kick her but she turned around quickly, grabbed your foot, and turned it. You screamed in pain as you heard the snatch. Realising you couldn't use your foot anymore you tried to hit her but she grabbed your hand and kicked you in the stomach so you were send a few meters back.

Looking up you saw that Lucy now was fighting Minerva, but same story counted, she also got, for now, slightly beat up. You took advantage of the situation and attacked her with 'Elemental fist' from behind, but suddenly you were in front of her and she kicked your back. She grabbed your arm, keeping you from going away and cracked it over, breaking it. (Idk how else to say) Another scream was heard out of your mouth. "I'm done with you, I want to play with the other fairy" Minerva, the witch, used your magic to send you out of the water and let you fall down onto the ground. You landed on your broken arm and bit your lip hard, trying to keep you from screaming again.

You tried to stand up, but fell down immediatly, since you couldn't use one of your feet. "(Y/N)!" Natsu and a few others shouted. You saw Laxus and Gajeel comming over to you. "Y/N you alright?!" Gajeel asked you while scanning your body ( not perverted way ). You shook your head. "Idiot, you just saw what happened right?! Her arm is broken and her foot is sprained." Laxus said to the Iron Dragon Slayer. Laxus picked you up and carried you away from the arena, to the infirmary. You looked at the water sphere and the last thing you saw before you were carried inside, was Lucy being beat up as well. 'That..witch... she...'

*Sting's POV*

I just saw how (Y/N) got beated up by Minerva, and I couldn't stand it at all. Why the f*ck did she do that?! That was so more then needed. (Y/N) didn't deserve being beated up like that...

I looked down the railing, seeing (Y/N) gotten carried away by the lightning dragon slayer who defeated a whole dark guild yesterday. I don't like him one bit, he's just a fairy trash member. The only member that isn't trash is (Y/N). She's funny, great to be around with and usually strong. So yeah.

I thought back at yesterday, how I found her drunk, and how we laid in her bed, and what I wrote on the letter...


Incase you forgot, I brought you home yesterday, because you were lost and drunk. Mostly drunk but that doesn't matter. Just don't get drunk like that again, k?

I have a deal for you: if you don't drink for the next 3 days ( I'll check one way or another ), I'll give you a surprise ;p

x your cocky, famous, hot, strong, sexy, ... friend S.E.'

Perhaps I went a little overboard with that letter... I don't even know if she sees me as a friend or not.

*back to normal pov*

You were laying on an infirmary bed, your inguries taken care off, but not by wendy or Chelia. You refused any of their help. You weren't strong enough there, but you were strong enough the bare this pain. "(Y/N)-san, are you sure you don't want our help?" You nodded in reply. "I'm totaly sure, I'll heal by myself, I won't be able to participate in the Games anymore even if you heal me" You smiled at Wendy. "The new fairy tail team is picked and it's a great team." You smiled wider, "Laxus, Gajeel, Natsu, Erza, Gray. Perfect." Wendy returned a smile. "You're right" She smiled. "You're really cute when you smile, you know that?" You complimented her as a blush crossed her cheecks. "T-thanks %Y/N)-san.." "And can you drop the -san please?" You asked her, "We're friends, no need to be so polite" "H-hai!"

After a few more minutes she left.

There was a knock heard on your door, "Come in" You said. The door slowly opened, and 2 blue eyes and blond hair appeared. "Hey (Y/N)" Sting greeted you. "Sting?" Lucky that you and Lucy are not in the same infirmary room. "What are you doing here? You'll get in trouble if someone catches you!" The mentioned male closed the door behind him and went to sit next to you on the bed. "I'm visiting you" He simply said. "I wanted to make sure you're fine after getting the... Minerva treatment..." You looked down, "How is she so strong?" You asked Sting. "I don't know, she just is... although..she is Master's daughter" Your jaw dropped, "She is the daughter of your Master?" Sting nodded, "Yeah.." "No wonder I couldn't win.." Sting patted your back, "Don't worry about it." He said to you, "All that matters is that you are fine... more or less" You sweatdropped.

"So how are your injuries?" Sting looked at you, concern in his eyes. "It doesn't really hurt anymore" You smiled. Lie: the injuries still hurt, the pain is just smaller then before. "You're lying." Sting stated. You sighed, "Ok, it still hurts.." "Did you ask help of the two heal mages" You shook your head, "I can bare it." Sting looked at you with more concern then before, "Are you sure?" He asked as his hand stroked your cheeck. "Y-yeah I'm sure" A small blush crossed your cheecks. 'Why is he so different when he's alone with me?' You asked yourself in your head.

"Ok, but I'm still gonna heal the pain"


He leaned down and kissed your forhead.





Sorry that the updating took a while, and that this chapter is crappy and messed up :/

I'm trying my best

I'm in Africa rn but I'll return soon ~

I had internet so could update this

Love ya all my readers

Thanks for the votes and comments xx

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