part four

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Everyone noticed i was staring at George which made me go red.

"where's the alcohol then?" JJ asked, walking up to the table.

"over there babe" shanay said, pointing to the kitchen worktop.

"tidyyy" JJ grinned, walking over to the alcohol, followed by Jaymi and Olly.

"I want some" Josh shouted, still stood next to George.

I slowly walked over towards the two of them.

"Josh, you know what happens when you have too much drink" i said softly.

"yes but i wont have much, i promise" josh pleaded.

"go on then, but if you break this promise then look out" i said, sounding like his mother.

"yess get in" josh said, walking away and leaving me stood next to George.

I started to panic and could feel myself turning red. I could feel his eyes staring right through me, so I decided to attempt to speak to him.

" my names, uh, Jess" i said, pulling a small smile.

He said nothing, just pulled an even cheekier grin than when he first walked through the door.

"what?" i asked, thinking i'd said something stupid.

He just shook his head and laughed.

"come on" he grinned, pushing me towards the kitchen.

It was as if he'd been part of our group for years like the rest of us. He'd already made himself welcome. He handed me a drink and took one for himself.

"strong stuff that is mind" olly said, popping his head in between me and George. We both just laughed and started to drink our drinks.

"so.." i started. "very short with words you are".

Once again, George said nothing but stare. If this was any other guy i would of gotten so annoyed by now but with George, I just kept getting butterflies. His smile was beautiful and when ever i looked into his eyes, i just got shivers.

"please just speak" i blurted out, not actually meaning to say it.

"you're cute" he grinned.

"um thanks" i said, getting a little confused but once again, nervous.

"sorry to interrupt but are you guys coming in the other room to watch a film?" jaymi laughed, poking his head around the kitchen door.

I didn't even realise me and George were the only two stood in the kitchen.

"um yeah sorry" i said, quickly walking out of the room, followed by george.

Everyone was sat on the floor with loads of blankets, and by the looks of things, all the alcohol and been moved to this room.

"Jess come sit by here" shanay said, patting the floor next to her and JJ.

I walked up to Shanay and sat next to her. George had followed me and sat right next to me. 

"here, share our blanket" she smiled.

The blanket wasn't exactly huge so we were all cuddled up together. I was getting so nervous because George couldn't possibly get any closer, his body was pressed so close to mine that it was uncomfortable. I could even feel him breathing down my ear.

"guys films are boring" Josh shouted from the other side of the room. He was lying upside down on the sofa with murron sat awkwardly on the floor.

"then what would you like to do??" murron snapped.

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