part twelve

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We left the house. Liv locked the door behind us as we walked to the bus stop which was just outside of Liv's street. Town wasn't that far away but it was quite a walk and the weather was too hot to walk a long distance in.

The bus was due to arrive at 10:15am, it was only 10:07 am now.

Liv didn't say a word, just played with her bracelets and stared at the floor.

I didn't mean to hurt her. I didn't want her to feel guilty, or feel ashamed. I just wanted her to know it was wrong to keep it from Olly, but I knew it had got to her.

"Liv are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded and continued to stare at the floor.

"I'm sorry" I said.

She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Why? you haven't done anything" she said.

"Well I've been quite nasty to you and it's not really any of my business" I started. "Plus, you tell Olly when you and Jaymi are ready, I shouldn't be having to tell you when to".

All the way there the conversation was very little. She was still upset, I could tell because the conversations kept starting and finishing but her mood seemed to change when we reached town.

"Where are we meeting the girls?" I asked.

"Just around the corner" Liv smiled.

We turned the corner to find Shanay and Murron stood there with a shopping bag each already.

"Have you got everything now then?" I asked.

"No, I've just found a really nice necklace and Shanay has bought a skirt but needs to find a top" Murron smiled.

We went in quite a few different shops. I found a really nice, short purple dress but hadn't come across any heels I'd liked. All the girls had got their outfits and were just waiting for me.

"let's check river island" I said, walking into the shop and heading towards the shoes.

The girls let out a massive sigh.

"Jess it's nearly two, we haven't had lunch yet and the boys are supposed to be picking us up at 6:30" Shanay moaned.

"Just give me two minutes" I said.

I searched all the shoes and came across a pair of heels that I instantly fell in love with, they were beautiful. They were black swayed with diamonds covering both heels.

"oh my god guys I love these" I gasped, taking the shoes off the shelf.

"and they have your size" Murron shouted. "Praise the lord".

"guys they are £40, I only have £30 and I need to by lunch" I sighed, placing the shoes back on the shelf.

Shanay grabbed the shoes and ran to the counter.

"what the hell?" I said, running up to her.

She gave the women the money and then handed me the bag with the shoes in.

"Just say thank you and take them off me, but you are buying me lunch" Shanay laughed.


It was 5:00pm. I was getting ready in my house with Liv, and Murron was getting ready over Shanay's.

"So how are we getting to the restaurant again?" I asked.

"Josh, Murron and Shanay are going in JJ's car and me, you, George and Jaymi are getting dropped there by Olly" Liv replied.

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