part ten

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Liv wouldn't explain to me what was happening and how she felt so we ended up both saying good night and hanging up.

Them two really confused me. They've always been best friends but it's been different these past few days.

It was now 11:30pm and I was wide awake. My best friend and um George were sleeping and I had no one to talk to, so I decided to check twitter. I had 3 new followers, 2 one direction fan accounts and one called @unionjworld. How cute, they'd already made a twitter account and got a few thousand followers. It was because they'd put a cover on youtube and got quite a few views.

I decided to tweet them..

@unionjworld good luck for tomorrow boys, you'll get through deffo! ly all lots, so proud of you xxx

After scrolling through twitter, I turned off the laptop and had an early ish night. I hope the boys do well tomorrow, they deserve it.


It was like 9:00am, I was up so early. I couldn't get comfy because it was so hot so I just decided to get up. The boys had been queuing for like 4-5 hours now, I wonder what time their audition was.

I slowly got out of bed and drew open my curtains. The sky was bright blue with not one cloud in the sky. The view from my bedroom window was beautiful. My bedroom was at the back of my house and the view was of bright green fields and pretty coloured flowers. I pressed my forehead against the window trying to look down at my back garden. Amy was already out there.

I slipped into a neon pink bikini and threw on a pair of white cotton shorts and a fitted lime, green tank top. I threw my hair up into a high ponytail and didn't bother putting any makeup on. After brushing my teeth and having a quick wash, I grabbed my phone and ran out to see my sister.

"why you up so early?" I asked, sitting down on a sun lounger next to my sister.

"Couldn't sleep" Amy replied. "could you make me some breakfast? please please please?".

"yeah alright" I said, getting up and walking back through the back door and into the kitchen.

I was only making her breakfast because I wanted some as well.

I took out two bowls and poured coco pops into them and then the milk. Got two spoons from out of the draw and carried them outside to my sister.

"Oi get off my phone" I shouted, placing the bowls down on the table and snatching my phone of her.

"come on mun Jess, you must be with George" Amy laughed.

"I am not with George, I do not care what you say because I know im not" I snapped.

"woah, don't get your knickers in a twist now" Amy laughed. "what's this about him auditioning for the xfactor?".

"he's gone today with the boys, they've already got like 4,000 followers on twitter" I laughed.

"oooo looks like Jess' boyfriend is going to be famous" Amy grinned.

I glared at her and carried on talking.

"yeah they'll get through, it's crazy that they haven't even been together for a week and they've got fans already" I said.

"how is that even possible?" Amy asked.

"Jaymi, Josh and JJ were originally triple J weren't they? They put their names down to audition but were gonna pull out because they didn't feel they were ready and it was a last minute thing with George and im just so happy because they sound amazing together" I smiled.

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