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(Y/n)'s POV:

I was sat by the gates watching the walkers.Their stupid ugly faces,squishing up against the fence and having spears stabbed into their skulls.

When I woke up I felt weird,I felt 'not like myself'.Im not sick.I don't even think I'm vulnerable.
It felt nice to have the cold air blowing on my face,it kind of reminded me that I was still alive and that I hadn't died.I don't know why.
Rick came back not so long ago but without Carol.I was starting to worry.
I twiddled with my thumbs,kind of waiting for something to happen.

The fence was getting closer and closer to coming down every day.Maggie was the only one out there.She was stressed and upset with what was happening with Glenn.I'm going to help her.
I couldn't care less about what Rick has to say,at least I'm trying to help us.


"Maggie!" I called.
I kicked the rocks under my feet as I walked up to her.She turned around and moved her hair out of her face.
"What's a matter?" She asked.
"Nothing,I just came to help you with this." I pointed at the walkers on the fence.She hesitated for a moment.

Maggie chucked me a spear and nodded.I smiled at her for not telling me to go back inside like anyone else would.

"How long do you think the fence will last for?" I stabbed my spear into a walkers eye,making sure it hit the brain. "It'll be gone in an hour." She gritted her teeth together.


I pierced the spear into the side of one of those ugly bastards heads and then again to two others.The weapon was almost as big as me.
Now that I'm thinking about it no one has done anything apart from put tree trunks by the fence hoping someone would put them up later. "We should try and get these up." I kicked the wooden log.She turned around to see what I was talking about but instead I watched her face drop.

I looked in the direction she was staring into and there I saw Rick marching up to us.He didn't notice me at first but eventually he did.
"What is she doing out here?" He raged.
"She just wanted to help.She knows what she's doing." Maggie spoke.

Rick pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh.He shook his head and I genuinely thought he was going to start shouting on about how "It's not safe."

"I don't think I'm vulnerable.I haven't coughed once.I've been around most of the people that have now gotten the virus and I'm fine." I said.
"-Im staying.I wanna help."
"Fine.Help me and Maggie get the logs up." He definitely wasn't happy with it,he just didn't want to argue with me.


We lifted the logs and jammed them up against the fence.We had done five now and it was exhausting,but I did say I wanted to help.
Maggie and Rick went to get the next log while I stared into the Walkers eyes like I was disgusted with it.If Walkers had feelings they'd all be depressed and totally  fucked.

"If Carl were sick would you be up there with him?" Maggie asked.
I pretended as if I wasn't listening to them,they were talking like I wasn't there.
"If I thought I could help."

They stabbed the log into the ground and kicked it into the rocks to make sure it was secure. "You don't think I could help?" They started whispering with each other.

"(Y/n), why don't you head inside.Get something to eat or look for Carl." Rick suggested with an unusual smile on his face. "Uh...okay." I said.
It was very much clear that they wanted to talk in private but they could've just said that.

I got an apple but I wasn't that hungry.I decided that since Carols gone and I don't know where she is I should go visit Lizzie.Even if she scares the shit out of me.Carol is the only person that Lizzie and Mika have left and now no one knows where she is.

I got to Cell Block A,expecting for the door to be locked but it wasn't.Instead it was wide open.I got my gun ready instead of knife and turned safety off.

I slowly walked up to the door with my gun held up in front of me.

Fear overtook me when I saw three walkers and one of them was on top of Hershel attacking him. "Hershel!"

I pulled the trigger and the bullet went straight through the first walkers temple and it dropped.I then pulled my knife out and ran to get the one on Hershel.It wouldn't stay still and I couldn't hold the thing still.
Just as I was about to jab my knife into the back of the walkers head the other bastards pushed me down but they soon tripped over.

A gun was fired and the bullet went into the walkers eye.Then the next walker and then the one after that.
I searched to see where they came from and it was one of the ill people,they could barley even stand from how weak they were.I jumped up and rushed to get Hershel.I help him up and he patted my shoulder as he tried to catch his breath.
"Go check on Lizzie.She's with a walker." Hershel panted.

Oh shit.
I nodded and ran up the stairs only to find that Lizzie was leading the walker away.The walker was Henry.

"Come on,Henry.Follow me." She evilly smiled.She creeped me out but I needed to help her. "Lizzie! Get in the cell next to you!" I yelled.She rolled her eyes and did as she was told surprisingly.
"Glenn's dead!" She shouted.I stopped as soon as I heard her say those words.What the fuck.

I dropped everything I was doing and ran as fast as my legs would allow me to until I got to Cell 100. "Glenn?" I saw him on the floor,spitting out blood and rolling around.He wasn't dead.Lizzie must've been frightened.

"Glenn,it's okay." I said.
I ran to the top of the stairs and see Hershel throwing Henry onto the suicide net. "Hershel! I don't know what to do...he's coughing up blood." I blabbered.

Hershel ran into the cell and moved Glenn onto his back.Glenn was coughing up more and more blood but the blood was becoming thick and a light pink colour.I couldn't watch anymore.

Almost as soon as I turned my back I leant over the railing and threw up.I wiped my mouth then let out a cry and stood there trying to catch my breath.
Maggie came sprinting up the stairs with tears washed over her face. "Glenn? Where's Glenn?" She cried.
I pointed to the cell behind me and she 
practically fell into the door and all I could hear was her cries.

Hershel came out of the cell and ran over to Henry.Just as he was about to go onto the net is stopped him. "Hershel! I'll do it."

Before I climbed over the railing Hershel shot the walker in the head allowing me to get on safely. "Just get that bag."
I nodded and got onto the net.

I pulled the bag off of its face and along with it came a clear tube.I chucked it at Hershel and he ran off.

Sitting there,catching my breath again, I fell back and shut my eyes as my chest rose up and down as if I had just ran halfway around the world.
Am I lying on a suicide net right next to a dead walker and trying to calm down? Yes.Call me crazy for not getting off of it straight away.I don't care.

Since my eyes were closed and I was already tired...I kind of accidentally fell asleep.yeah.


This chapter is quite short sorry for the lack of detail and other stuff❤️

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