Gareths a goner (four walls and a roof)

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(Y/n)'s POV:

"Rick,we'll fire right into that office,so if you lower your gun...ah!"
Gareth let out a shriek as another gun was fired.
"Put your guns on the floor and kneel." Ricks voice said.
"Do what he says...Mark there's no choice here!"

Everyone in the room shared a look.
Gabriel was shivering in the corner,so everyone but him.I looked over to Carl and he was shushing Judith while Rosita came and stood next to me,still with both of our guns aimed at the door.
By the sound of it,Rick had everything under control,as always.

"You don't have to do this,we can walk away.And we will never cross paths again.I promise you." Gareth begged for his life.He was talking complete bullshit.
"Besides,I already made you a promise." Rick said followed by a loud scream.
They most defiantly had them.I could hear the grunts and yells coming from them.Tyreese walked up to the door and slowly opened it,he was looking through but telling us to all keep back.
Next,Tyreese backed up and went to go check on Bob again.
Gabriel moved up to the door,almost walking out of it before he stopped in his tracks and gasped.
"This is the lords house." He almost cried.

I slowly walked out of the room with everyone else just behind me,I was stunned at what was in front of me.
Blood was splattered all up the walls and three bodies were unrecognisable,that's how badly they were beaten.Thank god for that.

"No...It's just four walls and a roof." Maggie sighed.Maggie and Glenn stood in the aisle,staring right at Gabriel.


It was morning now,we moved the bodies outside and we had just said our goodbyes to Bob.It was horrible to watch him slowly die,but he never stopped smiling.He kept telling small little jokes and laughing.


"I'm going to miss you guys." I had tears welling up in my eyes while I tightly hugged Maggie and Glenn.
They were joining Abraham,Rosita,Eugene and Tara on their trip to Washington.
"It's okay,we'll be back soon." Maggie said. "Yeah,real soon." Glenn added.
I pulled away and they said goodbye to everybody else,then got in the bus with the others.We exchanged small smiles while they sat at one of the windows,waving.
The engine started and soon they disappeared into the trees.

Abraham gave Rick a map for us to follow if something went wrong with us or right with them.We'd be able to find them if anything happened.


I know this is that smallest chapter I've Ever done but it's because I actually wanted to start the next chapter on the begging of the next episode if that makes sense...Thank you!!❤️

Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ -Carl GrimesXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now