Wailing mother

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"What do you mean he's badly injured?" I asked with a frown. "Alec is all Medusa has, can't you and Athena figure out a way to heal—"

"No Kharon," my sister sat on the bed beside Medusa. "She needs to be waken up so she can say goodbye to her child," her hand rested upon her eyes to wake her up.

Medusa's eyes slowly opened, she quickly found my sister and immediately sat up "Did you find Alec, dea? Is he all right—"

"Medusa," my sister gently caressed Medusa's cheek "we found Alec, but—"

"He's dead," Medusa said as her hand reached for her chest. "I can't feel him anymore," her eyes instantly filled with tears.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," my sister sniffled. "Athena is with him, and Hades will guide him to Elysium himself — he'll be in good hands, I promise my dear."

Medusa slowly nodded as thick tears fell down her cheeks "Could you bring him here to me? I would like to dress him and prepare him. I want to have a big funeral pyre for him—"

"We'll take care of it," I said, standing behind my sister, trying to hold back my tears. "You take care of your boy, Medusa — that's all that matters now."

Medusa nodded, glancing at me "Thank you, Kharon; that would mean a lo to me."

I nodded with a light smile "Anything for a friend."


My head is throbbing so vigorously I feel as if my skull is being shaken from the inside, and my eyeballs being poked at for the sake of someone else's fun.

Though I didn't birth Alec he was still my son. My little baby has been by my side for millennia as were all my other children — losing the last one of them is losing the last link to love I had. My children were the only thing that kept me from going mad on this island, and attempting to take my own life.

It'll be easy to leave this world now. I have no one to live for anymore — I stopped living for myself a long time ago. Maybe if I scream at the ocean Poseidon will come out in his giant form and rip me in half; that's how I feel anyways.

"You were too beautiful for this world," I whispered, caressing my baby boy's cheek. "You were a light in my life, thisavrós mou," tears rolled down my cheeks as my lips pecked his forehead. After placing the gold coins over his eyes, I covered his entire body with a black veil I embroidered myself many years ago; it has gold stars all over it and a gold trim as well. Under the veil, my son is dressed in a black himation Kharon was so kind to gift my baby boy.

After taking one last glance at him, I placed the black veil over my face and opened Alec's bedroom door to let Apollo in, but there I found Ares as well "Deus," I immediately got on my knees, bowing my head "I didn't know you were coming as well. I'm sorry I didn't prepare a proper welcome—"

"Medusa," his fingers pinched my chin to tilt my head up so our eyes could meet; he was kneeling in front of me. "You mustn't bow to me. I'm here to accompany you in your grief — please, stand," he took my hands and we both got up on our feet. "And please, call me Ares."

I nodded softly "Thank you for coming, Ares, it means a lot to me that you're here."

"Athena and I adore you like a daughter, of course I had to be here," his arms wrapped around my shoulders softly — I didn't flinch at his touch because I know he won't hurt me. "Take Alec to his place, Apollo," Ares softly said as we walked past him.

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