Emma is an average student. She gets good grades and is in a few clubs. She has her life planned out for the future. After high school she'll go to college, take on a career, and live alone. Why? you ask? Because she has finally accepted that love i...
I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring and telling to get up and get ready for the day. I get the energy to lift up my arm and turn it off, I lay in bed for a minute and finally get up off my bed. I stretch my arms to get my blood flow going and start to get ready.
It's the first day of Sophomore year at Finland High School for me and I am ready to get this school year started. I go to my bathroom and start to work on my morning routine skincare. I brush my teeth, do skincare, brush my hair, and take off the hair roller that I use for my curtain bangs. My bangs come down and are perfectly curved towards my hair, I get out of the bathroom and walk to my closet. When I walk in I grab my outfit that I prepared last night for today.
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I go over to my vanity and do my makeup. I don't do to much, just the usual simple eyeshadow, mascara, and blush. Unless I'm going to an event, then I would go all out. But it's just school that I'm going to today.
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I put on my shoes and after putting some jewelry and perfume on, I head downstairs to greet my parents.
At the bottom of the staircase, I'm greeted by my black cat Salem aka my emotional support animal.
"Hi baby" I coo at him and gently pick him up and carry him towards the kitchen where I see my Dad making breakfast.
"Good morning" I say in a happy tone and he turns around to meet my eyes
"Good morning sweetie, breakfast is on the table for you" He says smiling
I look to the dining table and see a plate with french toast and bacon, with a cup of apple juice on the side. I thank him as I set Salem down on the floor and sit down at the table.
"Where's Mom?" I ask as I start to eat
"She had to leave early because she wanted to get a head start to opening up the bookstore, but she wanted me to tell you to have a good day at school" He says, sitting down next to me and with a cup of fresh coffee.
"Oh okay" I say as I swallow down the last few bites of my breakfast.
"Need a ride to school?" He asks
"No thanks, Abby is coming over here to give me a ride and back" I explain to him.
"Okay no problem" He says
I get up and put my dishes in the sink and wash them. I hear the doorbell ring and dry my hands off quickly. I run to the door and I'm greeted with my best friend since thrid grade, Abby Kendall.
"Hi" I say and hug her
"Hey, are you ready to go now?" She asks as we break apart from the hug.
"Yeah just let me get my backpack and say goodbye to my Dad" I say
I turn back to the kitchen and Abby comes in and closes the door.
"Dad, Abby is here I'm leaving now" I kiss him on the cheek and give him a hug. Then I turn to Salem and pick him up and give him a kiss on his fur.
"Emma stop smooching your cat" I hear Abby say behind me.
"Why? Are you jealous?" I turn to her and continue to kiss Salem
"No, it's because we have to leave in like 5 minutes if we want to be there early and meet the rest of the group" She says
I pull out my phone from my back pocket and check the time. 8:20 it says. First period starts at 9.
"Oh yeah your right" I put Salem down and head to the living room to grab my backpack.
"Bye Dad, love you!" I say as I leave the house.
"Bye Mr. Carter" Abby says and I hear my Dad say bye to us back.
We walk to Abby's car and she gets into the driver's room and me in the passenger seat. I put my backpack down and she starts the car.
Abby is in the same grade as me, but she's supposed to be a Junior. In thrid grade, she got held back because had trouble in reading. Turns out she has dyslexia and takes extra tutoring classes. Since she got held back, that was when I met her and we instantly became close. I helped her in reading since it was my favorite subject and she was able to pass to the next grade. And that's why she has a car before the majority of us in the friend group, so she's like our personal Uber driver.
"Ready for this year?" She asks me as we're driving.
"So ready, I have goals for this year" I say excited
"Like what?" She asks
"Like not letting a boy break my heart and not letting a toxic friend get into my life" I explain
"As you should" She fists bumps me.
After a while of talking about our summer we pull into the school and Abby parks in her painted parking spot. We get our stuff and head into the school. The staff inside the school tell us to go to the cafeteria with the rest of the students and we follow order.
Abby texts the group chat and tells them that we're on our way to the cafeteria. When we finally get to the cafeteria, we see our friend group outside the doors and we get their attention, they all come running to us.
"Emma!" My friend Matthew picks me up a little off the ground and spins me around as I'm laughing.
"I'm happy to see you too Matthew" I say as he sets me down on the ground.
We all hug each other and say how much we all missed each other. We walk into the cafeteria and see students seeing each other again, Couples kissing ew.., and then I look to one table and see Michael...
As I pass by him we make eye contact, but I quickly break the it and walk pass him with my head held high and pretend I don't see him at all. I have my back to him now but I can't help the feeling of his eyes on me.
"Um Emma, Michael is looking at you" I hear my friend Jerry say.
"Let him look" I say and we finally find a table to sit at together.
"Ooooo ok sassy, I thought you were all like goo goo ga ga for him" Matthew says chuckling
"I was, but this year is different" I say
"Okay well let's look each other's schedules, let's see if we have any classes together" Our friend Sarah says.