October 26, Wednesday
Its October and spooky season. I love Halloween so much, the costumes, candy, and scaring little kids is entertainment for me.
We're all in the cafeteria eating lunch and talking with one another, but then Michael unexpectedly comes over to our table.
"Hey Emma" He says
"Hi?" I say confused. He's popular and he's talking to a bunch of people who are not popular, I'm very confused.
"So I'm throwing a Halloween party this Saturday and I'm inviting you" He hands me a paper with the address and time.
"Oh thank you" I take a look at the paper and James reads it over my shoulder. I've never been to a high school party before.
"Will you come?" He asks
"Maybe, can my friends and boyfriend come too?" I ask back
He takes a look at my friends and he looks at my boyfriend up and down.
"Sure, they can come too" He says and walks off back to his table.
"Well that was weird" Jerry says
"Very weird" I agree and put the paper in my backpack
"Who is he?" James asks
"I used to have a crush on him last year, but he rejected me and embarrassed me infront of the school" I explain
"What did he tell you?" He asks
"Oh just that he could never like a naive girl like me and threw other mean comments at me" I say
"Asshole" He says quietly
"I know, but I'm over it"
"Are you going to ask your parents if you can go to the party Emma?" Abby asks
"Yeah I am, if they say yes could you pick me up?" I ask
"Of course, if anyone is going and they need a ride let me know" She announces to the group.
I'm now having dinner with my parents and I work up the courage to ask them about the party.
"So I got invited to a Halloween party this Saturday and I was wondering if I could go" I say to my parents.
"Who will you go with?" Dad asks
"Abby, Sarah, Matthew, and Jerry" I answer. James also said he can go but I'm leaving him out of my list.
Dad looks at mom and she nods her head.
"Sure kiddo, you can go. Just don't do anything stupid and if the police are there at any point, call us" He instructs
"Will do" I say
"Who invited you?" Mom asks
"This popular guy named Michael" I answer

Third times a charm
Roman d'amourEmma is an average student. She gets good grades and is in a few clubs. She has her life planned out for the future. After high school she'll go to college, take on a career, and live alone. Why? you ask? Because she has finally accepted that love i...