September 9, Friday
It's finally Friday and you know what that means? The casting list goes up today. Mrs. Baldwin said that during lunch she would put it up. So everyone is gathered around the bulletin board near the cafeteria where school updates are posted. I'm waiting for the casting list as well and my friends and boyfriend are with me as moral support.
Mrs. Baldwin finally comes and starts to speak.
"I want each and everyone one of you to know that you did amazing. Not everyone has a chance to be a character in a play, but don't get discouraged. Create a single file line and take turns looking at the list. No need to make a crowd" She announces and everyone does make a single file line. Except for me.
"Emma aren't you gonna go?" Abby asks
"Um....I'm going to wait until everyone has cleared out" I say. We're at the back of the crowd and I don't want to suffocate.
My heart is beating really fast and I feel myself start to sweat. I'm taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Suddenly James puts his arm around me and squeezes me in comfort.
"Don't be scared, you did great at auditions and I know that you nailed the role" He whispers to me.
I nod because I have no words. Finally the crowd goes away of happy but also disappointed students, I now have a chance to see the list.
James takes his arm off of me and I slowly start to walk towards the bulletin board. I feel like I'm going in slow-mo walking and time seems to go slower. I get to the bulletin board and run my finger down the list of names on the paper until I see mine. Then I run my finger across the sheet and see that I got the role of the Ghost of Christmas present.
I got the role
I smile wide and turn to the group. They all come to me quickly and take a good look at the sheet. They see my name and all start to cheer.
"You got the part!" Matthew yells and they all hug me and congratulate me.
James suddenly picks me up off the floor and spins me around cheering for me. I laugh in excitement and when he finally puts me down on the ground we look into each others eyes.
As I'm getting this wave of excitement, I can't control myself and I grab his face and kiss him. It's just a quick peck on the lips and when I break apart I'm blushing and he looks shocked for a few seconds the quickly smiles widely.
He grabs my face this time and he full on kisses me on the lips and I kiss back. My friends cheering in the background and as we break apart I hug him tightly and so does he.
I look towards the hallway and I see Michael looking mad. He clenches his jaw and walks away. I don't know what his problem is but he better figure it out before I confront him. Ever since me and James started dating, Michael always seemed upset when he saw us.
We continue on with our day and I'm in a happy mood.
When I get home I tell my parents the amazing news and their very proud of me.
It's Saturday and during the weekend I like to help out my mom with her bookstore called 'The Bookworm'. I'm organizing some new books that recently came in onto the tables and bookshelves. I hear the door open with the sound of the bell.
"Welcome to The Bookworm, let me know if you need help with anything" I announce as I'm putting books up.
There's a shelf that's a little to high for me to reach so as I'm on my tippy toes trying to put the book on the shelf, I feel a taller body behind me and a hand comes up to mine and helps me put the book in. On the hand is a sliver ring that I now James wears.
I turn to face the person and it is James.
"What are you doing here?" I ask in shock
"What, I can't visit my girlfriend?" He teases
"Not while she's working" I say quietly and I go more towards the back of the store and he follows
"Why are we hiding?" He asks in a whisper
"Because my mom can't see me with you" I say
"Why not?"
"Because I haven't told her or my dad about us"
"What, why?"
"Their always telling me to focus on school and to not date boys, they say that I'll have time for that in the future but I don't want to wait for the future"
"Okay okay I understand, besides I haven't told my parents about us either. They always have something to say about everything"
"I do plan on telling my parents, just..not now"
"Yeah don't worry"
"Okay now unless you just came here to bother me, leave and let me get back to work" I say as I'm push him away
"Wait, you really think I was gonna leave without a goodbye kiss?" He asks smirking
I take a quick look around the store and spot no cameras or employees so I quickly kiss him on the lips.
"Bye beautiful" He says winking and is walking off
"Goodbye Jason Dean" I say teasingly
"Jason Dean?" He asks as he turns back around and looks confused
"Yeah from 'Heathers'" I say
"'Heathers'?" He asks again
"You don't know 'Heathers'?" I ask in shock
"What?" He looks so confused and I'm totally shocked right now.
"You know, the 1980s teen movie about murder and high school" I try to hint at the movie
"Doesn't ring a bell" he says shrugging his shoulders
"Not even 'Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs' or 'Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, do I look like Mother Teresa'?" I start saying quotes from the movie
"Wow okay, that's sounds like a really fucked up movie" He says
"It's really good I promise"
"Okay we'll make it a movie date sometime then" He says and he walks off and exits the store. I laugh to myself about what just happened.

Third times a charm
Roman d'amourEmma is an average student. She gets good grades and is in a few clubs. She has her life planned out for the future. After high school she'll go to college, take on a career, and live alone. Why? you ask? Because she has finally accepted that love i...