August 29, Monday
Second week of school and everything could not get more better. I have a boyfriend now and everyday I feel so happy, I have butterflies in my stomach whenever I see him or think about him. It's just AH I'm so happy.
I'm in theater class in the auditorium and our teacher, Mrs. Baldwin is announcing updates.
"As you guys now auditions are next week starting Monday after school till 5:30 here at the auditorium. All week you will be recorded and you will say your name and the character you are auditioning for, so keep that in mind" She explains to us
"Understood?" She asks
"Yes ma'am" We all say
"Good, use this time to practice your characters or catch up on any work from any other classes" She heads back to her desk off stage and we all start to talk amongst ourselves.
"So how did the date go?" Lily asks me
"Oh my God, you went on a date?!" My friend Kimberly says loudly
"Shhhh! Kim not so loud" I quickly tell her
"Sorry, you went on a date?" She says quietly this time.
"Yes I did" I admit
"With who?" She asks
"James Logan" I say smiling
"Awww look at you all blushing" She teases me.
"Shut up, no I'm not" I deny, but I probably am
"How'd it go?" She asks
"Well he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes..." I tell them
"Oh my God, I'm so happy for you!" Kim hugs me tightly
"Congratulations, I'm really glad it worked out" Lily says smiling at me
We talk more about my boyfriend and little things here and there. The bell rings for us to go to our last class of the day and we part our ways.
*One week later (September 5, Monday)*
It's the first day of auditions and I feel nervous but confident at the same time. I've practiced my lines all of last week and during the weekend. I feel ready.
I'm waiting for my turn to go backstage and I have my script in my hand. After the fifth student or so I'm finally called out.
"Emma Carter" Mrs. Baldwin calls out.
I walk onstage with my script and I stand center stage and wait for further instructions.
"State your name, grade, and character you're auditioning for please" She explains.
I smile and say everything "Hello my name is Emma Carter, I'm in 10th grade and I will be auditioning for the role of the Ghost of Christmas present" I say
"Okay go to the bottom of page 11 where the ghost and Scrooge meet, I will read for Scrooge" She instructs and I go to the page.
"Fezziwig!" Mrs. Baldwin yells as Scrooge
"Hello, Scrooge" I say in my acting persona as the ghost
"But you can't be...not Fezziwig"
"Do you see me as him?"

Third times a charm
RomanceEmma is an average student. She gets good grades and is in a few clubs. She has her life planned out for the future. After high school she'll go to college, take on a career, and live alone. Why? you ask? Because she has finally accepted that love i...