Chapter Fifteen

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- Abbie's POV -

I forced my hand to the door, shaking like hell. My palms were sweaty and my heart was beating out of my chest. I didn't know what to expect.

The door creaked open and I remained outside for a few minutes, thinking it over.

Should I go in?

Skye, I thought to myself. I'm doing this for Skye. She's definitely here, I know it.

After about five minutes of debating with myself, I stepped inside and kept my eye on the door. At this moment my heart was literally pounding, what the hell am I doing?

I looked around and started to recognise where I was, the familiar photos hung on the wall and the umbrella stand stood good as new at the side of the door. Everything else seemed to be dusty or looked unwanted, I'm guessing no ones been here in a while. There was a broken vase on the windowsill, and a few large white doors around me. I decided to stay strong and close the front door behind me.

This isnt my fault.

I started to worry at the thought of someone else being in the house, besides Skye.
Why can't this just have a fairytale ending.

I chose to go through the door underneath the stairs first, where i always used to hide from Jade. Me and Jade were best friends for almost seven years, until Hannah came between us. Ever since then I've hated her guts. Jade's nothing more than a selfish stuck up bitch now, Hannah changed her.

Once again, I reluctantly forced my hand towards the door I didn't want to enter. The smell was mind blowing, and not in a good way. I switched the light on inside the closet and closed the door. I'm actually surprised the light still works.

I held my breath as I looked around a little bit, there wasn't much in there considering it was a big closet. A few of Jade's childhood toys were kept in a box, along with some old school stuff and a toolbox. I looked down at the carpet that was hidden under layers of filth. It gave me the shivers.

As I turned my direction back to the hallway, I heard someone, something. It sounded like they were in pain. I don't know what the hell was but it was scaring the life out of me.

But then I thought, what if it's Skye.

What if it's Skye that's signalling for help. What if I'm this close to seeing her and getting her away from all this.

What if I can save her life?

My head told me to get out of the house as soon as possible.

But my heart told me to follow the calls for help, so I did.

I lifted the dirty carpet up, coughing and fanning the dust out my face which was making it hard to breathe. I pushed it to the side and dragged the corners of the boxes in the opposite direction, allowing me to open the trap door which lay underneath. As soon as I reached for the handle, the childhood memories flooded back.

I remembered when me and Jade built a secret hideout in the basement below, and how we'd only grant access to those who knew the 'password'.
I wonder if that hideout's still there.

After taking a deep breath inwards I lifted the handle up, showcasing the few stairs that led to the basement. I placed the open side down gently and made my way down the stairs. My legs were still shaking, making it harder for me to get down them.
As I reached the bottom I landed with a loud thud because I'd missed the last step. I quickly got up and brushed myself off, then started yet another investigation on what had changed. There was still the long, cracked mirror in the corner. Along with more of Jade's old school stuff and a few hangers.


I looked towards the direction the voice came from and seen my one and only best friend.

How much I've been dying to see her is indescribable. She looked so rough.. Her mascara was all over her cheeks, underneath her eyes that looked blood shot, and she was covered in bruises and scars.

I flinched a little at the sight of my best friend looking so weak and helpless.

"Skye! Skye, thank god your safe!" I shouted, I ran towards her and hugged her for my dear life. As I stood back up, my intention was to help her up so I could untie her.
But instead I fell against the cupboard, knocking it over. I dont remember that cupboard being there before, I thought. My heart skipped a beat when it hit the ground, along with everything in it.
It seemed to only contain kitchen utensils.

"N-no!" she screamed.

"Skye calm down it's fine, ill pick them up. First we need to get you out of here!" I said, showing my teeth as I smiled.

"Ryan's coming! He's coming Abbie, please do something!" She shouted again, close to tears.

This can't be happening... I'm so fucking close.

Then the memories came back, and I remembered that cupboard was always there. Me and Jade used to play cafe with it.


I ran towards the cupboard and picked up the first thing I seen. A frying pan.
Good one Abbie.
I could here Ryan coming down the stairs, so he was basically three seconds away from killing me. I ran again, but this time towards the door at the end of the stairs, and hid behind it. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, it was all going tok fast. As soon as Ryan came through the door, I raised the pan with the little strength I had left, and whacked him across the head. He went cock eyed for a second, before spinning round a little then falling to the ground.

Point one goes to Abbie.

"You did it! Abbie you did it! I can't believe you did it!" Skye shouted, there were tears of joy streaming down her face.

I stood back for a second as i thought about it. Adam just got hit by a car, Sam lost all trust in me, I found the house, I found Skye, I just hit Ryan in the head with a frying pan, and now I can take Skye home.

I'm so fucking happy.

I ran over to her again and untied her before pouring my heart out.

"Skye, I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am. I should've known something was up. I swear down they won't know what's hit them. I'm so glad to see you! Please tell me your okay?" I managed to ram into one big speech. A small smile creeped onto Skye's face, I didn't realise just how much I missed her smile. She wiped the tears away and hugged me back. I felt my body fill with happiness, and hope. I was so proud of her for being so strong, even after all of this.

Soon after, Skye's grip round my neck loosened as she lost her happy expression.

"Matt?" She frowned.

I followed her gaze to the opposite side of the room, oh how I'd love another surprise because this day just hasn't been eventful enough.

My face dropped as I seen the familiar teen figure appear infront of me.

"Abbie, long time no see"

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