Chapter Six

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"Fuck sake, what's the time?" I huffed.
"Shut up and stop moaning" Abbie said.

The next few classes went really slow.
Really, really slow.
A few seconds later I realised I was probably daydreaming, when she shouted in my face. Yes, directly in it.
"OMG" I shouted. I was actually going to argue back at Abbie, but then the bell rang and I remembered..
"I'm only 53 minutes away from seeing Adam!"
Abbie rolled her eyes as she started walking to her next class, but I could tell deep down that she was happy for me. Even I was happy for me.

The bell finally went for lunch and I jumped out of my seat and speed walked to the top of staircase four where I was to meet Abbie. I banged into a familiar face, but apologised and kept walking. Then I realised who it was. I turned back, I seen Abbie behind me so I felt better knowing she was there.

"Can I help you?" I said, feeling nothing but confident. I was standing face to face with Jade and Hannah, again.
"Hmm, let me think about that one" Jade said, changing it into the form of a question. I was just about to answer back before she started again.
"Remember that brother of mines? What was his name again? Oh yeah, Ryan. The one that just got out of prison?"
I nodded, slightly confused. I moved back a step and proceeded.
"Yeah, what about him?" I answered back, trying to regain my confidence. Jade just laughed, so Hannah decided to take over. "Let's just say, you better watch your back, Mitchell"
They continued laughing and nudged past both me and Abbie. I stood still for a second, then remembered.
"Shit, Adam!" I grabbed Abbie's hand and we ran to the gates.

We got there right on time, but it looked to me as If Adam was about to leave.

-Adam's POV-

I'm angry. I'm frustrated. Im confused. I thought she liked me, why isn't she here? I trailed off into my own thoughts for what seemed like forever. As I turned to leave, Skye came into my view.

Dang, she looked beautiful.

And tired, like she'd been running. In my head I was angry, but I don't care. All my worries disappear when I see her, or even think of her. I hope she feels the same way, I really do.

Daydreaming again.

When I 'got back', I opened my eyes to Skye standing infront of me, awkwardly staring. My facial expression must have been atrocious, but before I could finish my own thoughts or even utter a word to her, she pulled me into a long romantic kiss. I stopped for a moment to catch up with what was happening, then I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist and tucked her hair away.

I could feel it. That she really liked me, it's like there were fireworks. I just forgot about the world and pulled her even closer.

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