Skye, isnt it?

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I looked out the window half asleep as I seen the new neighbours moving in. The neighbourhood is always so quiet nowadays, there's no one else my age here. Well not since Abbie moved.
Abbie was my best friend, I had many.. Emily, Jade, Maya, Hannah.. until it happened. I have no one to talk to anymore, to share secrets with, or to ask for advice. I pushed them all away and I regret it with everything I have; all because of one stupid story and one stupid secret.
It ruined me, not to mention my life.

I gazed over at my alarm clock - 8.25. Shit, I'm late.

I ran downstairs, grabbed a piece of toast and shot out the door. I can't be late on my first day, it's my chance to finally try and change things, make them right.

I miss the life I used to think was rubbish, little did I realise I took it for granted and now I'd do anything to get it back. Waking up in the morning to messages and snapchats from my friends, walking to school with them, hanging out on the weekends, shopping together, talking about boys. I never realised how lucky I was to have people who understood me. Now I walk alone, eat lunch alone, shop alone, and spend only one week every term break with my parents. They got promoted three years ago and ever since then I've only seen them for a week every few months.

Things can change so much in one year.

I felt a massive gust of wind blow over me, I turned around and seen the school bus heading for the stop. I began to run to catch up with it.
I got on and looked for a seat downstairs, I never go upstairs anymore. That's where everyone from my year sits, they all take the piss out of me because of everything that's happened lately. I hate school, but I'm only staying one year more to get the qualifications i need then hopefully I can go straight to uni and get a fresh start.

"Skye, isn't it?"

I looked over my shoulder to a very attractive looking boy. I was sure I'd seen him before, but my mind wouldn't click on it.

"Erm, yeah." I replied, confused.

"I'm Adam, I just moved into your neighbourhood" That's where I'd seen him!
"You can sit here, I mean, if you want" he said.

I smiled nervously, and sat down next to him, trying not to make things awkward.
He was really good at making conversation, we spoke a lot about school and why his mum forced him to move to Albany.
"I can't help to think that maybe it won't be as bad as i thought" he said.
I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.
Why was he being so nice to me?

I almost, liked it.
I didn't know how to feel.

One side of me wanted to be happy, for once. But it was the other side stopping me.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I smiled as a thought came into my head. This is a new year, which means a new start. I'm done caring about people who don't care about me. It's time to live for myself.. I mean come on, this guy is hot. And I know what I did was wrong, and unforgivable. But I'm sure everything will fall into place eventually. My mum always says 'think of the glass as half full' which is exactly what I need to do, in other words be more optimistic.


"Oh, sorry" I blushed. "I really need to choose the right moments to daydream"
"Gosh, am I that boring?"
"N-no that's not-"
"I know, I know shut up"
I laughed as he took his phone out his pocket. I looked forward to see the bus journey had went a lot quicker than I expected, we were already pulling into the car park.

"Hey, erm, well..."

I stared at him with a blank expression.

"Would you wanna maybe, come over to my house, after school?"

I froze in excitement as I thought it over.
Adam just asked me to go to his house? Probably noticing I hadn't answered;
"if you don't want too, it's fine, I understand" he laughed awkwardly.

"I'd love to come over, Adam" I answered, shocked that I hadn't trembled on my words. He looked at me with an amazing smile as we swapped numbers.

"I'll see you at 5ish then, yeah?"
I nodded and smiled back as he left to go see his friends. I sighed as I seen Emily and Abbie waiting at our old stop for the other girls, and so I started walking straight to registration. Nothing was gonna ruin my day, it's about time I was happy.

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