Chapter Eleven

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- Skye's POV -

"Get off me!" I screamed, helpless. My voice is cracking and so is my strength. I've been beaten a few times In the last few days. I don't know where I am, how long I've been here, and if my family and friends actually give a damn I'm missing.

"Get up" a voice bellowed before me. It wasn't Ryan, it was Matt, Ryan's friend.

I was dragged through a few halls and the bright light was blinding me. Matt was so rough on me, especially when Ryan shouted at him for being 'too nice'.

He stopped in a room with mirrored walls and a high ceiling. There were three pillars placed around the room attached together with ropes, and a staircase in the far corner. He pushed me towards the middle pillar and tied me against it. My wrists are still so painful after being tied and untied over and over again. I looked up at Matt with the same pleading eyes I have been since I got here.

"Look" he whispered.
"I feel bad for doing all this to you and i want you to know it wasn't my choice, Ryan threatened to hurt me and my family and I just couldn't let that happen. I thought-"

"You thought what, Matt?!" I whisper-shouted, my voice was about to go completely and my anger was building up as I spoke.

"Do you know how perfect my life was? How much I was finally starting to enjoy it?! I don't think you-" and he cut me off.

"Your not even trying to understand me! I'm going to find a way out of here, for both of us. You just need to listen.."

- Sam's POV -

I feel so bad for Adam, even though I hardly know Skye I still miss her. That feeling increases every time I see Adam's face, and how clueless and emotionless it looks.

I decided to give Matt a call.

As I picked my phone up, I heard the front door swing open. Maybe that was Adam or Abbie?

I'm kind of angry at Abbie for not telling us about Skye, it's as if she doesn't even care about her. But of course she has her reasons and I'm going to listen to them. I still think she's amazing and I'm planning on asking her out in a few days, after we spend a bit more time together and all of this hopefully blows over.

I put my phone down and walked towards the door. The wind was coming in heavily, shaking a few picture frames on the wall. I picked up my pace and when I got there I realised it wasn't Adam or Abbie. I looked around a bit, I don't know why though. My tummy was rumbling like mad so I went back to the thought of calling Matt.

I closed the door behind me and headed back to the kitchen. As I was waiting for Matt to answer, I was thinking about how to ask Abbie to be my girlfriend.

"Sup mate?" Matt's voice boomed into the speaker.
"Hey man, where are you? Fancy getting a bite to eat?" I asked.

"Er, no sorry mate. I, erm, can't today" he sounded rushed but it was as if he was hiding something from me.
Me and Matt have been best friends for almost six years. We met at a kids fare back In 2009, ever since then we've been fairly close. I knew I could trust the guy with my life, he means a lot to me.

That's why I knew something was up with him.

"Matt, you know you can tell me, right? If something's up.. I won't judge" I told him, trying to sound reassuring.
"Yeah I know mate, thanks. Nothing's wrong I'm just not feeling to erm, great..." Was his 'priceless' answer. Before I could answer he started speaking again.
"Listen I need to go, catch up In a bit" and then it went to the dialling tone.

Something's up, and I'm going to find out exactly what it is. But right now, I need to go find Adam and Abbie. I'd have thought they would have sorted their shit out by now but obviously not. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door.

A few minutes later I had been round the block and their was no sign of them. I decided to drive further into town so i started by going back past the house, along the field and parked at the pavement. As I got out the car, I could hear laughing, it sounded like Abbie. A smile began to form on my face as I thought of her.

The laughing stopped and it went silent. I started to run so I wouldn't lose where it came from.

As I turned the corner, my heart shattered into a thousand pieces.

The love of my life was kissing my best friend.
It felt like someone was putting twenty knifes through me at once, the pain was unbearable. I actually thought she liked me. For once I thought that I could have a decent relationship with a girl I really liked. I thought everything would work out, I thought I could trust her, let alone him.

They didn't even realise I was there.

"Adam..." I whispered.

They both froze and looked at me. Adam rushed towards me and started mumbling a load of words that were too fast for me to understand, but I didn't even care.

What hurt me was that he was kissing her, and it looked as if they wouldn't have stopped if I hadn't walked in.

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