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The next days were much of the same-holding their boat steady by day as the river Anduin carried it ever downstream, gathering on the shore to eat in the evening on some days, eating on the boat with only Pippin as his company on others.

Once or twice, to make better time, Aragorn had them start before dawn and stay on the river until after dusk. Never once, however, did they risk travelling through the night. The Anduin was dangerous enough by day, when most obstacles were easily visible. To stay on it in the darkness of the night would have been their death, and torture for poor Sam, who was afraid enough of water as it was.

Robb had seen neither hide nor hair of Grey Wind since that last glimpse just outside the borders of Lothlórien, but his wolf dreams had him certain that his companion was following them, if at a distance. Besides his dreams of Grey Wind, Robb slept surprisingly well. Every once in a while, he woke with a start, heart hammering away in his chest, but he could never remember what it had been he had dreamt of. As Robb was always able to fall asleep again afterwards, however, he took it as a good sign.

In the early evening of the ninth day after their departure from Lothlórien-Pippin had kept count, Robb had not-they came upon a sight more wondrous than any Robb had seen before in his life. As they rounded a bend in the river, ahead of them, two statues came into view. Stood tall on either side of the Anduin, reaching high into the skies were two men, crowns of stone upon their heads. Both had one hand held out as if to ward off enemies.

His head craned back, mouth wide open, Robb had the momentary thought that not even the Wall might be able to measure up to this. He had never seen it, of course, but right then, he could not imagine anything more awe-inspiring.

"The Argonath," he heard Aragorn whisper from one boat over. "Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old. My kin."

Argonath, Robb mouthed to himself. He did not know what the word meant, but by sound alone it fit perfectly.

As he carefully steered the boat past the feet of the statues-the smallest toe at least three times as long as Robb was tall-the river gradually widened. Before long, the steep cliffs on either bank of the river had receded to reveal a large lake, the other end of which Robb could not make out. To their right, the sun had already disappeared partway behind the wooded hilltops of the shore. The trees, which were still mostly devoid of leaves, cast long shadows over the narrow beach and shallow water.

They continued on until the sky had become fully dark before Aragorn had them land their boats. As soon as Gimli had started a small fire, the Fellowship gathered closely around it, both to keep warm and in an effort to conceal the light from prying eyes. Now no longer hidden by cliffs, Aragorn took every possible precaution to prevent discovery-Robb knew he had toyed with the idea of foregoing a fire entirely, but the Hobbits were not used to sleeping in the cold and everyone knew it. Even now, they sat closest to the flames.

Conversation stayed sparse, Merry and Pippin the only ones still in a light mood. Robb hid a smile behind his hand as they once again argued over the best pipeweed. This, it seemed, was an inexhaustible topic.

When Boromir cleared his throat meaningfully, every pair of eyes flew to him.

"I know I have asked you this many times before, Aragorn, but as the Falls of Rauros draw near, I fear I must do so again," he said quietly. "Where does our path lead us now?"

Robb raised his eyebrows. This, it seemed, was a conversation he had not been privy to. Surely they would continue on to Mordor?

Aragorn sighed. "Boromir-"

"Why do you distrust the people of Gondor-our people-so much?" Boromir demanded again, eyes sparking. He shook his head. "I know no man can wield the Ring. You have told me so often. But you must see that it would be more intelligent to keep it safe in the White City-guarded by soldiers, by my father's men-than to deliver it into the heart of Sauron's domain!"

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