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Robb plopped down on the ground next to Boromir with a groan. The others had left some time ago, enough that the sun had slowly but surely begun to descend since then. As the more mobile of the two, Robb had been the one to take stock of their food and fill up their waterskins.

"So," Robb said, his fingers sinking into Grey Winds' fur as the wolf rested his head in his lap, "where are we going again?"

"Edoras," Boromir replied. His eyes swept over the far shore as if they could somehow pierce the forest and catch a glimpse of Frodo and Sam. "It is the capital of Rohan."

Robb raised his brows. "That… means nothing to me."

Boromir chuckled, finally turning to look at Robb. "Of course, it wouldn't. Forgive me. Rohan is Gondor's neighbour. Its people, the Rohirrim, are horsemen, and have long been allies of my people."

"We should be welcome, then?"

Boromir hummed. "I have known Prince Théodred and his cousin, Éomer, since we were children. We rarely see each other, but we have always got along."

"Good." Robb had every intention of avoiding potentially hostile kingdoms and cities whenever possible from here on out. He lifted his hand from Grey Wind's fur and watched him sniff at the ground near the water, his nose digging into the soft sand from time to time.

"I do wish Frodo and Sam had more protection out there," Robb murmured. "We have gone through all this danger already, but it must be a thousand times worse in Mordor. And now they have no-one."

"We cannot help them, Robb," Boromir sighed, casting him a weary glance. "No matter how much we may want to. We would be as much a danger to them as any foul beast of the Enemy."

"Aye, I know."

Robb looked down at his fingers, wiped some dirt off his palm.

"Grey Wind could, though." He did not dare attempt to catch a glimpse of Boromir's expression. Aragorn had, after all, told them they should keep Grey Wind close for protection. Should more Orcs attack, they would be done for without him.

But in the great scheme of things, did not Frodo and Sam matter more than Boromir and himself? The Ring needed to be destroyed and the two Hobbits, with all due respect, would be dead if they were discovered. Unlike Boromir and himself, they had no training beyond what little they had picked up on the journey so far.

Next to him, Boromir hummed. "I would feel better if I knew they had someone to protect them."

Robb's head flew up. "You would allow it? Even though Aragorn said—?"

"Aye," Boromir sighed, "I would. Frodo and Sam's task now is more important than you or I. Aragorn may not wish to lose us, but we are not who the Enemy wants. Although we are two of the few people who know of this mission, and have information Sauron and Saruman desire, our death or capture would not spell certain and immediate doom for Middle-Earth."

He placed a hand on Robb's shoulder, holding his gaze, and nodded. "You have the right of it, Robb. Send Grey Wind after Frodo and Sam."

Robb smiled.


Grey Wind was out of sight almost as soon as he reached the eastern shore, quickly hidden by the underbrush despite his size.

Shortly after, Robb and Boromir, too, set out, although in the opposite direction. Edoras, according to Boromir, was just over a day's ride away. On foot and in the condition they were both in, Robb was hoping they would get there within four days.

The cover the woods had provided was soon left behind as the trees opened up to reveal a wide, grassy plain that stretched before them as far as the eye could see. The grass, occasionally interspersed with rocks and boulders of various sizes, glowed almost golden in the light of the setting sun. Every now and again, a gust of wind swept through the blades and made them flutter, giving the whole plain the appearance of a golden-green ocean.

Robb wasn't usually one to recognize the beauty of nature, but this, he had to admit to himself, was breathtaking.
Looking out over the sea of grass, with soft wind caressing his face, Robb exhaled and felt some of the fear and pain fall away from him. He closed his eyes, a new resolve gathering in his chest.

He would not allow this beauty to be destroyed. Not by war; not by Sauron's nor Saruman's willful destruction. The fellowship may have been separated, but not all was lost. Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn would save Merry and Pippin. Grey Wind would protect Frodo and Sam. Robb and Boromir would go to Edoras and warn the king of Saruman's treachery, if he did not already know, and then devise a plan to defeat him. With that done, they could fully devote their attentions to Sauron; perhaps support Frodo and Sam from afar.

The Enemy did not know where the Ring was. Sauron would be defeated.

Robb exhaled again and opened his eyes.

"Well, Boromir," he said wryly, "I hope you know the way."

Boromir huffed a laugh and started walking again, clapping Robb's shoulder as he passed him.

"Roughly," Boromir said. "We have to go west. Straight ahead—theoretically."

Robb hummed and followed him into the grass.



Happy new year!!
Thought I'd upload a short filler chapter to celebrate. It's an optimistic one, because I'm trying to manifest that energy for this year lmao

Anyway, it's still going to be some time until I upload again on account of I'm barely halfway through TTT and if I my updates catch up to my pre-written chaps I'm never gonna continue writing. Sorry lol.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! All the best for this year, may it be less hellish than the prior ones.

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