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Another week, another update and we're finally at Robb's conversation with Galadriel! Meaning: my guy at last gets some answers and there's gratuitous foreshadowing.

Also! Thank you guys sm for 2k reads and over a hundred votes!! :D

As always, feel free to comment and/or scream at me about the stuff I write or—now that the first few eps are out—the Rings of Power show!



Robb found Galadriel standing near a shallow pool, looking aimlessly into the distance.

Sure she had already noticed him, he silently came to stand by her side and waited for her to start the conversation.

When Galadriel finally looked at him, there was a smile on her face.
"Good morning, Robb Stark."

Robb sketched a light bow. "Lady Galadriel."

Her smile widened and she turned around to start walking along the pool's edge. Galadriel's hand lightly brushed Robb's arm as she glided past him.

"Come," her deep voice whispered in his head.

Robb followed, holding his arm out for Galadriel to rest hers on, as was proper. After a few more moments of silence, she spoke up again.

"I have seen your coming, Robb Stark."

With what was almost a wince, Robb said, "Just Robb is fine, my lady. My last name carries no importance here."

Galadriel hummed in a way that made it clear she did not agree entirely.

"Your name is your family. It makes you who you are." She left no time for Robb to comment. "I have seen  little of your past and less of your future, Robb, but I know the Valar sent you."

Robb inclined his head. "They did."

"What task did they give you?"

And so Robb told her everything he had told Gandalf and the rest of the Fellowship while they walked around the pool. About his death, even if it was an abridged, played down version. About the Valar's instructions to find and help Olórin—Gandalf, as it had turned out—and bring hope back to the throne of Gondor.

The latter seemed to amuse Galadriel, making hers just as strange of a reaction as Gandalf, Legolas and Aragorn's knowing glances had been.

"What does it mean?" he asked. "What must I do?"

Galadriel chuckled. "Hope is not as abstract as it may seem, Robb. Hope is a person. The Valar seem to think that Gondor must have a king if Sauron is to be defeated."

Gondor did not have a king? That was the first Robb had heard of that, and he was not happy about it. It complicated matters immensely.
Now he had to find a king as well, on top of everything else? Robb sighed.

"Do not worry. He is closer than you think and, I would wager, not too hard to convince."

With furrowed brows, Robb asked, "This is another riddle, isn't it? Just like the one at the Gates of Moria."
Galadriel smiled widely, tugging him slightly to the right, away from the pool and deeper into the woods.

"You know, this would be much easier if I knew your language," Robb grumbled. "You clearly know whom they meant, my lady, why can't you tell me?"

"This is your task, Robb, " Galadriel replied, shaking her head. "You must fulfill it. The Valar… are not too fond of me. I was proud once, and disregarded their wisdom and their ways. If I can obey their will in this, I shall not attempt to do otherwise."

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