Halloween Special!

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A/N: hey everyone! its october 31st, which means today is halloween!!! this part you're abt to read does not follow the story line, its just a fun lil chapter i wanted to write. PLUS its being told in 3rd person so excuse the writing style. please enjoy this chapter, and lmk what you think abt the story so far in comments. it'll make my day!!! again, tysm for still being here and reading my story that i wrote just for fun. it means a lot! enjoy!!! <3

The whistling night, the glowing Jack-o'-lanterns, and the many different ghouls wandering about on the streets had all seemed new to Pamela. Although she had many kids go up to her front door asking for candy over the years, she had never been able to truly experience the event.

She always thought it was fun to dress up for Halloween, but she was never able to. Pamela was a girl that was into gore and horror. She always waited for Halloween to come by to encourage her to put on whatever she wanted and be her childish self.

She always looked out of her bedroom window and observed all the children on the streets as they enjoyed the night. She was tired of waiting, and she finally came to a conclusion that she was old enough to do what she wanted--besides, it wouldn't hurt to go out once and know what it was like to dress and act like one of her favorite characters from one of her favorite slasher movies.

And it was a normal thing to do, as well. There wasn't a person she saw in her school that hadn't dressed up for the big night.

It wasn't that she wanted to dress up on this night to fit in, though. She only wanted to participate in the event for her own enjoyment--not for anyone else.

And today was the day. Tonight was the night she was going to sneak out of her house to go have the fun she never had. It was time, and she couldn't wait any longer.

She dressed up as Laurie Strode from Halloween--she bought the hair, the dress, and even splattered dark red paint on herself as a substitute for blood. She figured it maybe would have made her look better and that it would cause less people to recognize her.

She made her way out the front doors quickly and quietly, rushed silently down the steps, ran across the lawn to the gates, softly closed the gates behind her, then she vanished into the night.


So many children and teens walking and running back and forth on the sidewalks and the streets. Some, such as the little kids, carried decorated buckets with loads of candy in them.

She joined the crowd of walking, talking, laughing people and stayed silent. She even earned a handful of compliments on her costume and people even started conversations with her on the Halloween movie series. She had never felt so happy in her life. She felt like she was human and that people saw her that way, too. She didn't feel invisible as usual because nobody treated her that way. She realized that the only reason why many people talked to her was that she wasn't herself. She felt like somebody else, and she was proud of it.

She didn't get any candy, since she hadn't gone to front porches asking for candy. She wasn't in the mood for sweets, she just wanted to simply enjoy the night and feel lively again.


When were the first times I felt lively? she thought.

She didn't care, at least not right now. Even if this was the first time she ever felt alive, she wanted to savor the feeling. She never wanted to let go of this warmth in herself. Her heart fluttered at everything she saw around her. She felt complete, this simple outing was enough to bring her back into the world.

Or so she thought.

Little did she know, trouble was coming her way.


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