16. Dance Shopping

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"Everything in this store looks...expensive," I say to Lisa.

"All the best things are expensive, girlie!" She replies enthusiastically.

"Uh-huh. But, do you think we'll be able to afford getting one of the dresses on our own?"

"I'm sure we can! Let's get something that suits you but isn't over-the-top. 'Cause if it's over-the-top, then it's gonna be hella expensive. And right now, we kinda got a tight budget."

"Alright. Let's go over there to that section," I say, pointing to some racks of fancy-looking dresses in the distance. "Those look like some nice dresses. Let's hope one of them turns out to be good on me."

Me and Lisa walk over to the racks of dresses and look around the place for anything intriguing.

After extensive searching and Lisa having me try out some dresses, we find no luck and I start feeling a bit stressed. "Ugh, we can't find anything that looks even remotely okay on me." I look over to the dress that Lisa had picked out for herself to wear to the dance. "At least we got something for you."

"Aw, don't be so pessimistic. We'll find something, Pam."

I sigh heavily. "Sure."


We end up looking for an hour and I'm really starting to get exhausted. Maybe going to this dance was a bad idea? Ugh. I don't know anymore.

"Pam! I found something over here! I really think it might suit you," Lisa yells from a farther area.


I go after her in the direction her voice came from and I walk into an area that has dresses that are way less vibrant, yet they still qualify as highschool-dance material.

I spot Lisa standing by a rack of clothing while holding one particular dress.

"What do you think of this, Pam?" She giggles excitedly. "I feel like it really suits you!"

Just by the first glance, I can see this dress is of goth design. It's black but shiny, with floral designs and has a cross on the chest. It is sleeveless and laced beautifully, and it comes with a beautiful black corset.

"It's very...gothic."

"Do you not like it?"

"No, I actually really love it."

"FINALLY!!! WE FOUND YOU SOMETHING TO WEAR!" Lisa squeals excitedly.

"You're too much," I sigh but fail to hide my smile.

"We need to get you black platform boots to match your dress and some cute accessories!"

"Accessories? Like?" I asked as we walked to the changing rooms.

"Like a lace choker, a necklace, rings, fishnet stockings... et cetera!" She handed me the dress with the corset and pushes me into the changing room.

"Sooo, I'm going as a full-blown goth."

"Well, it definitely suits your style. I can already picture how you'll look." Lisa giggles uncontrollably. "Plus, ya gotta look good for Mack..." she trails off.

I could feel my face reddening as I wore the dress. "LISA! Stop embarrassing me!" I pleaded.

"Whaaat? You know you're madly in loooove. Why deny it?" She teases.

"Ugh...I can't with you." 

Now I'm struggling with wearing this corset. But the problem is I'm a little too shy to ask Lisa to help. I'm really not used to asking anyone for help. Oh, well, guess I have no choice but to quit being so insecure. Right now, that shouldn't matter. 

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