10. A Day for Us

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Lisa's POV:

I slept pretty well last night. Everything was just so exciting for me, I was practically giddy the whole time I've been here. Pam's house is the most gorgeous place I've ever been at, even better than my own house.

I live in luxury, too, so I pretty much know all about how expensive something would be. And Pam has famous paintings in her house, very expensive and exquisite. I gotta say, her parents have nice taste.

Speaking of her parents, she doesn't seem to talk about them a lot. At this moment, they're not even here tending to their 15-year-old daughter. I truly feel bad for Pam, it's a shit position to be in. And then blaming it all on yourself is even worse...

I wish she wouldn't do that.

Even though I'm 17-years-old, I still have my parents tend to me sometimes. But to leave a 15-year-old all alone at home and travel out of the state to see your other daughter? They didn't even take Pam along with them.

I wish I could help Pam someway in getting her away from her parents.


I decided to prepare some breakfast for all of us. I love cooking, it's my favorite thing to do! I enjoy making people smile with the things that I love, and I really hope Mack and Pam will love this cute little breakfast I made for the three of us.

I walk around the huge kitchen island and set a cloth over the glass circular table. I run to the kitchen and come rushing back with plates and spoons. I set the things down on the table and I run back to the kitchen to bring over the pan frying our omelettes. I use a spatula to take the omelettes out of the pan and place them onto each of our plates. I run back to the kitchen with the pan and place it in the sink. I begin scrubbing and soaping the pan and then leave it in the dishwasher.

Ding! oh, sounds like the waffles.

I grab another plate and put all the waffles onto it, then rush back to the table and place the waffles onto each of our plates. I grab a bottle of syrup and pour over the waffles. I grab a bar of butter, chop off three quarters of it, divide those quarters into individual quarters, then put them on the top of each waffle. I run back to the kitchen and come running back with the washed, fresh blueberries Pam's parents had in stock. I place at least three blueberries each on everyone's waffles.

I rush back to the kitchen and come back with the last thing--the drinks. And its milk tea! I pour the milk tea into everyone's glass cups and I go back to the kitchen to soap all of the dirty dishes and pace them into the dishwasher.

I breathe in the clean air and look over at my masterpiece. I really hope Mack and Pam love this. The glass backdoor reveals a patio beyond it and a wide distance of mowed grass. Through the light curtains of the huge windows in this house, rays of light penetrate the curtains and leave strips of sunlight laid out across the wooden floor.

It truly is such a beautiful house.

Right! I don't want to have all this stuff here for nothing. I gotta go wake Mack and Pam up.


I slowly open the door without it making a sound and step into the dim-lighted room. It amazes me how nothing creaks or even squeaks in Pam's house. I wish I could have that exist in my house.

I slowly walk over to Pam and Mack and they are--woah, what the-

Now I'm definitely taking a photo of this and showing it to them later, hehe.

They look so cute it reminds me of how single I am.    A/N: lol.

Mack is sitting on the floor against the footboard of the bed, and Pam is laying across from him with her head on his lap. They're sharing one big blanket. Mack's hand rests on top of Pam's head.

I seriously have to take a picture of this and show her later, this moment is too cute to waste.


back to main character's POV:

I woke up to Lisa tapping on my arm aggressively. I want to push her hand away and sleep a bit more, I'm too comfortable right now.

Too comfortable.

Half-awake, I mumble, "What is it Lisa?"

She giggles and points somewhere at my head. I finally realize that something was on my head.

But what-

Oh Lord.

My face flushes and I could tell Lisa noticed my reaction because she giggles some more.

I raise my hand to touch Mack's, which was on my head. His hand is smooth and warm. I want to be in this position forever if I could, it's such a comforting moment. And a moment I may never be able to have with him another time.

"Get up, love birds! Breakfast is ready." Lisa calls out loud to me and Mack, then she exits the room swiftly.

Mack wakes up, startled, and looks down to meet my eyes. I'm staring back up at him, my face on fire. Strands of his curly brown hair fall to his striking hazel eyes, which are looking at nothing but my face. They went from observing my dark eyes, then down to my lips, and then back up to my eyes again. My face only gets hotter at that action. I can spot a hint of a pinkish color forming on his cheeks.

I attempt a small smile at him. "Mornin'?"

Mack's cheeks deepen to a pinker color. 

No way he's actually blushing because of me.

Unexpectedly, he smiles back at me. "Morning."

He turns his face away from mine. "Slept well?" he asks with a hint of shyness in his voice.

I sit up quickly, my head now off his lap. His face still turned away, Mack runs a hand through his hair and smiles shyly, clearly embarrassed. I cover my face with my hands to hide my own embarrassment from him.

"Uhh...let's just forget this ever happened," Mack proposes.

Silence takes over the moment. I finally reply with, "Sure."

But the thing is...

I don't really want to forget about this interaction. 

He seems uncomfortable anyways. It's so obvious he sees me only as a friend. Just a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. I should be grateful. Who am I to ruin a friendship--my very first one at that? Especially a friendship with Mack Crawley?

I exhale and stand up.

I look around the room and realize that all the snacks and things from last night have already been cleaned up.

I should thank Lisa once I get downstairs.

Speaking of downstairs...

"Oh, right! Lisa said to come down for breakfast," I remind Mack.

"Let's go then," he replies quickly.

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