9. Too Close

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Ding dong! the doorbell rang throughout the house.

I get up fast and walk over to answer the door. Mack and Lisa smile at me as the snow fell slowly on the ground and on their heads. Lisa is wearing a pink puffy coat and Mack is wearing a grayish-blue coat that has one single streak of green going down the coat on the front.

"Uhh...come in!" I ease them into the house and close the doors behind them.

Mack and Lisa gaze at the house in shock and awe. They turn to me with wild, exuberant glints in their eyes. "Your house is so cool!" Lisa squeals. "We thought we came to the wrong address, haha. We didn't expect your house to be so glamorous." Mack chimes in.

My face warms a little at how Lisa and Mack are so cooped up in the environment around them. It's a little flattering.

A little.

"Follow me. I'll show you around," I offer. I figured it's probably best that allow them to get familiar and comfortable here. I've never had people come over before besides my relatives, and I'm not the one who invites them over anyway. This is my first time having someone who's not a relative come over. It's strange, but nice. Really nice.


It took almost an hour showing Lisa and Mack all four floors of my house. They were mesmerized by every room, every floor, every hallway, everything. I'd blush slightly and grin wildly when they would compliment me or the house. I walked in the front, so they couldn't see my facial expressions whenever they said something really flattering.

The last room to see was my room. I place my hand on the door knob. I turn the door knob and give a small push to my door. As my door silently widens, it invites me, Mack, and Lisa into the room. Once we enter, the soft whoosh of heat hits our faces. I had turned the heater on before they came to my house, so my room got nice and toasty. I walk to the center of my room and turn to face Mack and Lisa, who have their mouths hung wide open. I can't help but smile and blush like crazy. Nobody has ever been this excited about something related to me. So much attention is on me, even though it's just coming from two people. And this attention is different, I want this attention.

Saddest thing is...

those two people aren't my parents.

Although they should be.

But I'm done giving a shit about them.

My friends care more.

My friends.

It's still strange to let that sentence roll off my tongue.


We're laying on the floor of my room, on my fluffy, circular, black rug. I'm sitting in the middle. Lisa sits to my left and Mack sits to my right. We're watching a horror movie on my MacBook. I carried it upstairs with me earlier along with some snacks. Lisa digs into her Cheetos bag every thirty seconds. It doesn't bother me because the movie is at max volume. I have garlic bread sitting on a plate on Mack's lap. He said it didn't bother him, and that he liked garlic bread, too. I was relieved. We have some drinks placed on a tray beside Lisa.

Mack is so close to me that I can feel his warm breath on the top of my head. He's leaning against me gently to get a good view of the screen. My heart is beating so fast and loudly, I really hope he doesn't hear it. 

Lisa nudges me softly on my side and I look over at her. She gives me a little smirk and winks. My face immediately reddens. I mouth her the words: Stop. You're embarrassing. She lets out a little giggle and I smile to myself.

She knows I have a huge crush on Mack. Not that I told her, though. She found out on her own.


"Was it that obvious?" I murmur quietly to Lisa with my eyes fixated at the ground.

"Haha, yeah. But don't worry! Your secret is safe with me!" Lisa leans close to my face and winks.

I turn my face away because she's so close, and because of embarrassment.


"Absolutely!" She giggles.

I really hope she keeps true to her promise.

She seems like I can trust her.

I do trust her.

I hope I don't regret that.


The movie has about twenty minutes remaining. I hadn't taken a single bite of the garlic bread for some while. I was so lost in the movie. I'm kind of hungry too, so maybe I'll have a bite now.

Mack's POV:

The movie is pretty good so far. Some parts were pretty disturbing, I have to admit. And this garlic bread is so good. Pam's whole house is so cool. I'm glad I came here. Had to get away from my dad for a bit. He's such a headache.

Speaking of the garlic bread, there's only one left. I guess I'll have it.

I extend my hand to a piece. Pam's hand grazes mine.


We tried reaching for the same piece of bread.

Pam quickly retracts her hand away from mine and starts sputtering apologies.

I wonder why she's so flustered.

"It's fine, no big deal. You can have the bread."

"N-no, you were reaching for it first. You have it."

"Seriously, it's alright. You can have it."

"But you reached for it first..."

"Yeah, but, I'm not that hungry anyways. You can have it."

"You still touched it first. It's yours now."

"I know, but you can still have it-"

"Why don't you love birds just share it?"

Me and Pam stare at Lisa. She's munching away at her Cheetos like she didn't just say anything. She licks her index finger and meets our eyes.

"What? You guys kept bickering over a little piece of bread. So just share it."




"S-shut up, Lisa." Pam finally speaks up against her.

"You're so funny." I add.

Lisa laughs and continues watching the movie like nothing even happened.

Pam stays silent the whole time and stares at the screen intently.

I kind of feel bad.

I noticed she barely took any pieces of garlic bread throughout the movie.

I guess I could share it...

I rip the garlic bread in half. "Here," I hold up the other half to Pam. It takes her a moment before she looks at the bread, then at me. Her face looks like she's on the verge of tears. Now I really feel bad. Was she that embarrassed by what Lisa said? I mean, I'm embarrassed too, but Pam looks like she isn't used to this stuff. Can't blame her.

She slowly raises her fingers to the half, then holds it gently in her hand. A small smile tugs at the edge of her mouth.


"No problem."

She turns to the screen. She nibbles on the piece of garlic bread and I feel her body immediately stops tensing, it relaxes.

It makes me feel lighter seeing her feel comfortable.

I don't know why.

I chew away at my own half of the garlic bread and enjoy what's left of the movie.

A/N: yeooo whats up. i decided to start adding other character's POVs into the story since it adds to the juice. ;)   again, tysm for reading n enjoying this story of mine. :D   cya laterrr. <33

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