Thanksgiving Special!

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A/N: hey everyone!! tysm once again for reading my story! it means so much to me, especially bcs i only made this story for fun. and now my story has over 100 reads!!! thats a really big accomplishment knowing that there are ppl out there that like and enjoy reading my story!! the story you are abt to read does not follow the storyline, just another fun chapter i wanted to make for this holiday. the story is being told in 3rd person as well! alrighty now, enjoy!!! <33

After being dropped off the bus at her stop, Pamela ran all the way home out of excitement. She was ecstatic after being informed of the holiday that was going to start tomorrow--Thanksgiving.

She didn't exactly care much about the holiday itself, but just the fact that there would be no school for a week. She was exhausted of school and seeing her tormentor everyday. But now she wouldn't have to see Kendra's face for a whole week!

But, why did Pamela feel this way about Thanksgiving? This event is one of the best holidays out there, and Pamela only cared about the absence of school.

On the other hand, could you really blame her?

All her Thanksgivings--or any other holidays--consisted of a bitter and excruciating loneliness. Her aunts and uncles would come over and bring their petty children along with them. At the dinner table, she would remain silent as she ate her food while everyone else at the table chatted and laughed together. They were her own relatives, yet she felt so distant from them. It was as if she didn't exist to them. 

Her aunts would always comment on her body and it made her uncomfortable. She was expected to show utmost respect to her aunts and uncles, otherwise she'd be seen as a disappointment by them, as well.

Her cousins would attempt to barge into her room without her permission. She could never let them go in there, no matter what, if she wanted to save her skin.

Her two older cousins, who were male, always picked on her when the adults weren't around. They called her names, made her trip whenever they had the chance, and they would degrade her in whatever way they could. Sometimes, they would make her feel even more uncomfortable by commenting on her features. Pamela was extremely insecure with the way she looked.

Pam shivered at the thought of them taunting her, but this time she didn't care. She figured she would quickly get through the day and go up to her bedroom to get away from her relatives as soon as possible. Pam was not in the mood for lingering nuisances at home this year.


Pamela dressed up for the holiday because her parents would not look at her without her Thanksgiving outfit on. Her parents wanted to look perfect in front of the guests.

"And make sure you smile more. You look like a dead rat when you don't," her mother growled.

Pamela was offended, but she remained quiet and shrugged off the insult. It was probably best not to argue with her mother at the moment.

The doorbell rang and it chimed throughout the entire house. Pam's parents rushed to the door as Pam followed closely behind them. As soon as they unlocked the door, an overflow of people burst through the doors and entered the house with bright faces.

"Hello, my dear little sister!" Pam's aunts greeted her mother. "Oh my, Sydney, you look gorgeous."

Pam's mother replied humbly, "Oh, I wouldn't think so. But thank you! You and Candice don't look too bad yourselves."

The ladies laughed together, then the aunts turned to Pamela and wouldn't leave her alone. "Hi, little Pammy!" They rushed to hug her immediately.

While Pam was being squeezed to death, she managed to croak a reply, "Hi...Aunt Mary, Aunt Candice, Aunt Lilith, Aunt Amelia."

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