15. Okay, Not a Psychic

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Days have gone by and I haven't caught a sight of Mr. Reaper again. 

Not that I was interested in seeing that creepy guy again.

I'm just a teensy bit disappointed that nothing else happened after that one face off with him. I guess I was kind of expecting something more dramatic.

But what I really wanted was some CONTEXT!!! Because what the heck even was that?

Who just randomly gets visited by a Grim Reaper during their life time? Wait, don't answer that. People that are nearing their death. Or psychics, too. But I'm not entirely sure on the psychics one because, well, how could I know? I'm not a psychic.

But I kinda think I am.

In a way.

Because ever since that encounter with Mr. Reaper, I've been seeing...things...that aren't there.

I know, I know! I'm probably not a psychic. Maybe I've just gone INSANE!!!

Because who the HELL sees things and hears things that aren't really there? NOT NORMAL PEOPLE, that's for sure.

It just sucks to be on the receiving end of a cliff-hanger, especially if your life is depending on it.

'Cause If I see another random person walking in the backyard or hanging out at the pool or roaming the third floor hallways, I will scream.


There's only a few days left before the dance! I'm so nervous and I don't even know why.

Actually, I do know why. I didn't even figure out what I'm going to wear! What if everyone starts laughing at me or paying attention to me for no reason? What if I make a fool out of myself in front of all those people? Gosh, I don't even want to think about that, but I've gotta be prepared for something.


My parents aren't home right now, as usual. I don't know if we're expecting anybody.

I look through the glass windows that are on either side of the double doors. I can't exactly get a good view of whoever's on the other side.

I open the door anyhow.

And it's...


"HEYYY GIIIIIIRL HOW YOU BEEN??!!" She screams, jumping onto me for a bear hug.

"Hey, chill out!" I start laughing. "You're hugging me too tight."

"Oh, sorry!" She lets go of me and smiles gingerly. "Sorry for coming on short notice."

"Short notice? You didn't let me know about this at all."

"Ah, then, sorry for coming unexpectedly!"

"It's fine. Glad you're here though!"

"I'm sure you are, bestie!" She giggles and holds my hands excitedly in hers. "Okay, so are you busy right now?"

"No, not really. I was just watching a video. And my parents aren't home."

"Great! So I came here to take you shopping for the dance!"

"Uh...right now?" I start getting nervous all over again.

"Um, yes right now! When do you wanna go shopping? On the day of the dance?" She looks at me like my brain isn't functioning well.

I let out a small groan.

"What is it? Do you...not want to go?" She looks at me a tinge of sadness in her eyes. "I mean, it's okay if you don't want to go. I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to."

"No no, it's not that! I do want to go. It's just...." I trail off. I don't know how to say this while looking her in the eye, so I lower my gaze. "I'm just kinda nervous, y'know? I-I've never been to dances or parties or anything like that."

"Yeah, you're really not the social type. But that's okay! You know, everybody is nervous for this day. Even I'm nervous!"

"Really? You are?" I meet her gaze again, totally surprised. Lisa is the type of person that's bold and brilliant and seems ready to take on anything. I hardly find myself believing she has anything to worry about.

"Of course I am! Even though I've been to dances and parties before, I still worry if people will like how I look and I worry if I'm too annoying or impolite. Stuff like that!"

"Oh." I start to feel a little better. A small smile tugs at the corner of my lips.

"See? You don't have to feel bad for worrying about something. It's normal to be nervous for such a big event--especially if you're not used to that kind of thing!"

"Thanks, Lisa."

"No problem! Now come on. We've got no time to waste!"


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