11. Outing Gone Wrong

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Breakfast was absolutely amazing. Like, I can't even describe how good it was. My tastebuds were buzzing in the thrill of all the deliciously abstract flavors exploding on my tongue. 

I usually have mouthwatering breakfasts, lunches, and dinners everyday. Our personal chef, Niel, is not around right now. He's gone for the break. The stuff he'd make for me and my parents were out of this world, every morsel bombing with spice and flavor. 

Although this breakfast isn't nearly as fancy as how Niel would prepare it, to me its a hundred times better because I'm with the people that I care about--and they care about me too. At least, I'm sure they do. 

I'm just really grateful that I don't have to spend the winter break by myself. That'd be such a pain.


After washing the dishes and cleaning the table up with Lisa, the three of us head over to the living room and sit on the couches.

"So...whaddaya guys wanna do?" I ask.

"How 'bout a walk?" Mack suggests.

"Yeah! Let's go to the park!" Lisa chirps.

"Oh...the park?" I reply. I don't usually go to the park. No one really goes with me. The last time I went to the park was when I was 5 years old. It wasn't that great of an experience. The other kids wouldn't play with me, which my parents thought was strange. Ever since that day, they were convinced I was the cause of every issue.

"Yup! It never hurts to go outside and get some fresh air. Besides, you look like you haven't gone out in days," Lisa replies.

"Yeah. Come on, Pam! It's gonna be nice," Mack adds.

They're both looking at me, waiting for my response. I don't want to go outside. I might run into Ethan or Damian or even Kendra! I would really like to not be in that situation.

But I can't let Lisa or Mack know that. I can't slip up this chance of having people that care about me. Can you believe it? I finally have friends! I'm not gonna ruin my friendship with Mack and Lisa and have the reason be my stupid social problem and those people from school.



"Yes! C'mon, let's get ready!" Lisa loops her arms around mine and Mack's and pulls us out of the living room.


We're outside now and the chilly air coats the atmosphere like a freezing blanket. Our breaths are icy and they seem to hover in the air after every exhale before vanishing. At least there's no wind. That would've been the worst.

Lisa looks like a pink, puffy snowman and so huggable. Mack looks normal and I don't. I came out the house only in sneakers, gloves, and a jacket. Lisa scolded me a bit and I tried my best to convince her that it wasn't really that cold outside. She only let me go out if I had at least a scarf around my neck. I agreed reluctantly. Those things itch. Plus, they're a little ugly. Besides, like I mentioned earlier, there's no wind, so going out without a scarf wouldn't be that big of a deal.

But I really liked the attention I was getting from Lisa. It's sad that I'm getting special motherly treatment from my best friend and not from my own mother--but, after all, it is what it is.

Lisa grabs onto my arm and Mack's and pulls us along with her to the park. It's really only a five minute walk from my house to that park. She lets go of us and starts running like a toddler towards the swings. She's screaming and laughing her head off and violently rocking herself on the swing. Me and Mack glance at each other and look back at Lisa.

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