13. I Know What I Saw

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It's the middle of June, and I just can't wait for school to finally end and for the summer break to arrive. I already know where I'm going for the summer--and that's Hawaii. My sister had talked to my parents a lot and made sure that they'd bring me along with them to Hawaii. I'm really glad she did that, 'cause no one else would have cared or even noticed if I were there or not.

Every year at Greenwood High, we have an event that takes place on the last day of school. It's when the whole school comes together and has fun in the huge gymnasium and get to eat food and hang out and play music and so much more!

I hadn't gone to the event last year because, y'know, I was friendless and a big weirdo

Okay. I know I sound cringe, but it's the truth.

It's all the school has been talking about for these past few weeks. Mack and Lisa have been bringing it up a lot, too. And I'm gonna meet them in the library soon (we eat lunch in the library, it's much more peaceful there) but I know they're gonna talk about the dance. What am I supposed to say? I've never been to this dance before or anything like it. I'm not big on things that involve a lot of people and being social.

But I also really want to take the chance to hang out with Mack and Lisa there.


Who knows, we might just flip a coin or do rock-paper-scissors or something dumb like that to help make my decision, haha. I doubt it, though.


"Why don't we just flip a coin?"


"What?" Okay. My prediction skills are amazing.

"I've got a quarter in my pocket anyway." Mack digs into his jeans pocket and reveals a clean quarter. "I'm sure you guys already know how it works. If it lands on heads, you're going. If it lands on tails, you're not."

"Alright." I take in a deep breath. I really hope I don't end up going.

"Okay, one. Two. Three--ah shit!" The quarter goes flying in the air and hits the floor with a small metal clink, then rolls away down some steps.

Immediately all three of us are up and running after it.

The quarter keeps rolling until it reaches the very bottom of the steps and stops with an echoing metal clink. We all stare at the quarter.

And lo and behold...

It's on heads. 


Time to jump off a bri-

"YAYYYY! YOU'RE COMING YOU'RE COMING YOU'RE COMING!!!" Lisa screams while jumping up and down and shaking me like crazy.

"Okay, okay! Calm down," I put my hands on her shoulders to stop her craziness.

Mack goes to pick up the quarter from the floor and puts it in his pocket. "Looks like today's our lucky day!" he says cheerfully, while looking straight at me.

I guess I am glad that the decision was finally made.

I feel the corners of my mouth rise.

"Oh, you're smiling? So you're happy with your decision! As you should be!" Lisa boops my nose.

"Don't do that!" Then I find myself laughing.

And for some reason, we're all laughing. It's just a thing we do. I just feel like that is a thing that happens between you and a person that is important to you or very close to you. Then, once you're best friends, everything you do together with them just makes sense while to others outside the friendship will think it's pretty silly or just peculiar. Sometimes even if we're talking about something serious in class, Lisa might pipe up and make a smart remark or ask a dumb question, then the rest of us are laughing. But Mack and me are laughing the hardest at Lisa's manner after failing to stifle our laughs.

During the laughter-fest, I catch something move at the corner of my eye.

Or did I?

No, nothing was there.

But there was something there!

Okay, maybe I just need to stop seeing things or thinking things or saying things altogether.

I've probably gone a little insane because there's no way any normal person will see something like that for some months now.

And no, I haven't told Lisa or Mack or anyone else about it.

But I am deciding to tell you this, and only you.

I don't feel safe.

I feel watched.

And I've seen it multiple times.

Although I wish I hadn't.


It's the dead of night and I woke up to a strange sound. I don't know if anyone else is awake at this time. Well, they shouldn't be. I glance at the clock sitting on my nightstand. 

It's 2:41 A.M.

Now I'm certain no one should be up right now.

But what was that loud bang?

Or did I hear a bang?

I'm not so sure. I don't remember. I just woke up, thinking I woke up to a bang or any noise at all, but maybe I didn't.

But I get out of bed anyway. I walk over to my bedroom door and open it slightly. I poke my head out and observe the long hallways. I don't catch any movement, so I head back into my room and softly close the door again. 

I exhale loudly.

Was I holding my breath? What was I even expecting to see? I'm ridiculous.

I turn around and--



Welp, looks like I fell on my ass, and it hurts.

My head also hit the door so now it's throbbing like crazy.

I look up at the figure in front of me in a daze and quickly recollect my thoughts.

I catch my breath.

I've finally come face-to-face with the thing that's been watching me for months now.

It appears to be a tall, dark, cloaked figure with a slender body and has fierce grey-blue eyes that glow in the darkness of my room and seem to pierce through my trembling soul.

It speaks in a low, intimidating tone, "Your time is up."

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