Truth Reveal

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Cover contest still going on ends on May 25!!!! Got one cover so far!!!!

Alex's P.O.V

I'm tied to a chair. Seto is here leaning on the wall waiting for someone.

"Hey Seto." He looks at me. His eyes are bloodshot red.

"What?" He asks.

"Sky going blind because you hit his head too hard."

"Sucks to be him." Seto said. I thought that would spark something in him.

"It is your fault. If you would have stopped me before he wouldn't have this problem." Seto said. I look at the ground. Someone comes in.

"Okay Alex. So I have a job for you to do." He said. I look at him.

"What is it?"

"It's very simple. You need to make Sky go blind." He said.

"Over my dead body." He puts his hands on my arms and his eyes glow.

"I wasn't giving you a choice. You will go to the Sky Army Base and make Sky go blind. Then he will be wide open for a kill shot. Don't kill me just make him blind." He said. He lets go of me and leaves. He did something to me and I don't like what it is. I suddenly appear in a forest. On the edge of it that I can see the Sky Army base. No. I grab a tree. I can see Sky. I must stay away from him. For his own sake. I suddenly go towards Sky. He looks at me. His right eye is still a bit glassy.

"O hey Alex. Come here." Sky said. I follow him. I shouldn't be anywhere near Sky. I can't get the words out to say that I he should kill me or knock me out before I hurt him. We go into a room.

"So this is Alex?" Ty asks. O no. If I jump Sky I will have all of them to deal with. Seto comes in. Wait isn't he suppose to be at that guy's place?

"Okay so there are three..this must be Alex." Seto said looking at me. O no I'm so doomed. I look at Seto.

"Yes hey."

"Seto what were yo saying?" Tay asks. I lean on the table. Ghost looks at me. She goes wide-eyed and looks at Seto. This is a time that I would usually run. I look at Sky. Kitty comes between us.

"Can I talk to Alex alone you guys?" Seto asks. They all leave.

"Alex why is it when I look into your memories I see Zathe and me?" Seto asks.

"Weren't you there?"

"No I have been here since after I attacked Sky. But.....your a dark sorcerer aren't you?" Seto asks. I back up. I knew it he would figure me out.

"Yes but I'm not gonna do anything. Zathe is forcing me to-" I suddenly can't speak. Why can't I speak?!

"To do what?" Seto asks.

"To make-" I stop speaking again. Zathe did this so I couldn't tell them. But I can show Seto. I grab a stick out of the corner. I point to my right eye and to the stick.

"He's making you go make Sky blind isn't he?" Seto asks.

"Yes and I don't want to. I want to get as far away from Sky as possible. But I can't. I'm afraid that I'm gonna hurt him if we are both alone."

"I'll keep anything that could hurt Sky as far away from you. But your not saying who you say you are." Seto said. I look away from him and towards the door.

"I don't trust people. But when I meant Sky in that forest I trusted him instantly." Seto walks in front of me.

"Do you trust us?" Seto asks.

"Yeah." Seto pulls down my hood.

"I knew it. Sky told me that he knew that you were a girl all along." Seto said.

"What how did he know?"

"He's Sky Alex. He can figure out a lot of things just by looking at them. Keep your hood down by the way." Seto said. Seto walks towards the door. He opens it.

"Why?" Seto looks at me.

"Cause you look better without it up." Seto said as he left. I fix my hair up a little cause I have it trapped on my back under my jacket. I put my hair behind my ears and Ian comes in. He looks at me.

"Having trouble?" Ian asks.

"A little bit." Ian comes in front of me. He moves my hair out from behind my ears and in my face. He moves it to the sides. We look at each other.

"There you go." Ian said. Should I ask?

"How do I look?"

"You look beautiful." Ian said. My face turns red. I smile. I'm glad I did ask.

"Thanks." He takes his hand off the side of my face and picks up a book off the table.

"Your welcome. Keep you hood down. You look amazing without it up covering your hair and face." Ian said. He leaves. I sit in a chair. I smile again. Only Seto knows I'm a dark sorcerer. But now I just want to tell Ian. I mean he said I look beautiful and amazing. My face turns a little red again. Ghost, Tay, and Jess come in.

"O hey Alex. Why you blushing?" Tay asks.


"Oh great what did he do now?" Jess asks.

"He helped me fix my hair. When I asked how it looked he said I looked beautiful and amazing." They look at each other with big smiles on their faces. Tay looks at me.

"Well girl I would go after him if I were you. And he did a great job on fixing your hair." Tay said.

"Yeah he did."

Trapped: Book 9 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now