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Song is Dangerous By David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin. Cover Contest is still going on!!! Ends May 25!!!!

Alex's P.O.V

I look at the gate. I take a step towards it and it feels like I'm hitting a wall. I'm split between two ways. Leaving to protect Sky and staying cause I don't want to leave Ian. I have to leave. Tears start forming in my eyes. I don't want to leave. This is the best place I have ever been to.

"You have a job to do. So do it!" Someone yells. My eyes widen. I know where Sky is and that's the problem. He's leaving with Kitty, Ghost, and Ty to go to the North Village to talk to Robert. I move closer to the door. I stop at the door frame. I grip it. I look at the ground. They are leaving right now. Good I want Sky as far away from me as possible.

"Alex do I have to step in?" Someone asks. NO! Don't you dare please don't. I drop to my knees. I grip the door frame tighter. Don't make me do this. Please. I don't want to make Sky blind.

"I didn't ask for your opinion. I'm in charge of you. So you'll do what I say." Someone said. Ian walks pass me and stops. He backs up and looks at me.

"You okay?" Ian asks. I look at him.

"What's wrong?" Ian asks.

"Zathe. He did something to me. Please keep me away from Sky. I don't want to hurt him."

"Maybe Ian as a warm up?" Someone asks. NO! I stand up and run. I pull my hood up and appear into a forest. I stop and lean on a tree. If I ever hurt Ian I wouldn't forgive myself. I slowly sit on the ground. I hear hooves. I look around. My eyes widen. Sky.

Sky's P.O.V

Ty and Ghost went flying ahead. Kitty is next to me. We are walking. It's not that far away. I hear a twig snap. I look around. We are not taking the main road we are going through the forest. Kitty's been talking to me for a while. I got most of it but when that twig snapped. My attention went away from her. My eyes scan everywhere. A shade of orange that's not suppose to be there. Alex.

"Sky are you listening?" Kitty asks.

"What?" I look at her.

"I thought so." Kitty said.

"Sorry distracted."

"Not a surprise." Kitty said. Alex runs next to me.

"Hey you guys." Alex said.

"Aren't you suppose to be at the base?" Kitty asks. Yeah. I look at her eyes. Red. Alex narrows her eyes at me. She pulls out something and I move. She tried to hit my right side. We stop.

"Alex." Kitty said.

"Zathe is controlling her." She takes another swing at me. I move.

"She's trying to make you blind." Kitty said.

"He knows." I grab Alex's arm. Her eyes glow black.

"She's a Dark Sorcerer."

"Ah sh*t." Kitty said. Alex hits me with something and Kitty and I go flying back. I hit the ground hard. My vision in my right eye goes fuzzy. No she's succeeding! Alex runs at me and grabs something. She jumps and comes at me with it. I roll to the left and she hits the ground. She moves and grabs me. She hits me again. I push her off. I stand up quickly. Where's Kitty? I see her. Alex suddenly hits me on the right side of my head hard. I scream and go on my hands and knees. Ty and Ghost show up. Ty grabs Alex off of me. Ghost goes on her knees in front of me.

"Sky look at me." Ghost said. I look at her.

"Can you see me?" Ghost asks.


Trapped: Book 9 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now