Chapter three

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. ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

 ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ،  ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

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. . ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

(Name)'s pov:

I started packing my stuff into a bag and then got out to meet Childe sitting on the couch

"I'm going to miss you" he said with a small chuckle
"Me too.." I answered with a frown

"I guess I'll just buy more stuff to Zhongli now that you won't be around for a while" he said

"Enough talk. Come with me" the Balladeer said with a less harsh tone than usual. We got out of Childe's mansion
"SEND ME POSTCARDS" Childe yelled from a window as I just laughed at him.

after ten minutes of walking we finally reached the harbour and got on Beidou's ship
"Balladeer how much will it take for us to reach Inazuma?" I asked looking at Lyue's skyline
"About one day I guess" he answered

"And one more thing.." he said as I looked at him "just.. call me Scaramouche" he said embarrassed
"Sure" I said with a smile that he didn't return at all

"Are you hungry?" He asked
"a bit I guess" I answered
"Then I'll go grab some food wait here" He said walking away. He seems so soft all of the sudden. I mean, he is still cold and harsh, but i can feel that he is trying at least to be polite I guess.

"Travelling to Inazuma too?" Suddenly a guy asked. He had white hair with a red stride that matched with his eye colour. He smiled innocently.
"Oh yea.." I said giving him a small smile
"I'm Kazuha" he said shaking my hand
"(Name)" I replied

"Hands off" Scaramouche said from behind

"Who are you may I ask?" Kazuha asked
"none of your business and now go away, you are annoying me" he said getting back to his rude self
Kazuha glanced at me before walking away.

"Let's say that wasn't necessary" I said to him "shut up he looked annoying" he answered shrugging it off as he handed me some food.
"Was he your friend?" Scaramouche asked getting back to the topic "well.. we just met but you should have still  been polite" I said as he made a small huff under is breath.
How goofy.

We didn't talk much while travelling, he just sat there reading a book while I looked at the sea.
I always dreamt about being on a boat as a kid. I heard s much about the sea, but my parents never took me there.

"So.. what exactly do I have to do in Inazuma?" I asked Scaramouche "I'll give you the details once we get there, I don't want anyone to hear these confidential matters." He explained "oh alright" I answered as I started walking around.

"I'll go see Kazuha to apologise" I said as Scaramouche just nodded in annoyance.

"Sorry about before.." I said as soon as I found him "that's fine, it wasn't your fault after all" he answered as we started talking about random topics. He was someone really easy to talk to unlike Scaramouche.
"So.. are you guys a couple or something?" He suddenly asked "no of course not!" I answered immediately
"mm.. I saw how he acts with you. He looks like he's protective with you" Kazuha explained
"I think you just got the wrong idea"
"I don't think so" he then said. After that we just got back to random topics

-time skip-

We finally reached Inazuma and as I waved at Kazuha, Scaramouche took me to his mansion. It wasn't huge, but felt comfortable.
"What, you don't like it?" He asked
"No, instead I find it comfortable in some way.." I said thoughtful
"Better for you"

I placed my things in my room and then one maid told me Scaramouche was waiting for me in the living room.
"As first thing, if we are together around people, call me Balladeer" he said
"About what you have to do, you have to get close with the traveler. Childe told me his name is Aether. He will soon come here in Inazuma to look for the Electro Archon and you have to give me as many informations as you can about him." He explained

"What will I earn?" I asked
"Well.. if I get the work done, I want something in exchange."
"We'll see if as first thing, you get the work done"
"so.. is everything clear?" He asked
"Yes" I said
"Oh and.. do you ave somewhere where I can train?" I asked
"Yea there's a garden in the back now just go" he answered harshly
"Thanks" I said exited as he just stared confused

I asked one of the maids to take me in the garden and as I got there I stared practicing with my elemental skills.
Some hours passed and I fell on the ground. I was exhausted, but I still felt a pair of eyes on me.
"Scaramouche?" I called
"What" he answered looking away
"Do you need something?" I asked
"Kind off" he said as I got up
"Seriously.. if you are friends with Childe and don't have anything against the fatui why didn't you join them?"
"I didn't know you where so interested in me huh" I said smirking
"Just answer" he said
"Well, I guess that's because I think it could turn useful to have someone not directly involved with the fatui to help out" I explained

"You aren't as dumb as I thought. Childe was right after all" he muttered under his breath
"What do you mean?"
"When I got in Lyue I already knew a bit about you because Childe kept telling me that I had to meet you because you could have been useful"
He explained

"Hungry?" He asked
"I'll ask one of the maids how to cook dinner and one more thing, watch your back while fighting" he said walking off.

. . ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ
Sorry if this is shorter than usual, I'm just tired asf and just want to go to bed
Have a nice day/night <3

Nᴏᴛ ᴀ ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀsʏ ᴀɴʏᴍᴏʀᴇ (scaramouchexfem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now