Chapter seven

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. ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

 ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ،  ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

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. . ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

"(Name) do you like fireworks?" Scaramouche asked me the next morning
"I guess so" I said totally lost in my thoughts. Back in Sneshnaya I saw fireworks only one time. That's when Olivia got her pyro vision.

"Hey you there?" He said shaking his hand in front of my face
"Ugh yea calm down" I said with a little smile on my face. His annoying side is cute in some ways.

"You space out too often" he said annoyed
"At least I'm not rude"
"Yes you are"
"Damn so offended really, I'm literally crying" I said joking

"Ugh I'm tired I want to stay hereeeee" I complained falling on the couch
"You need to go, it would be weird not showing up" he stated
"Ugh you are annoying"
"Rude" he just said

I got to the tea house, where we were supposed to meet but on the way.. I found some complications.

"You! Stop!" A solider yelled at me
"Uhh did I do something wrong..?" I asked
"You even ask? You've got a vision, come with us" he said as they grabbed both my arms and took me to the statue of the omnipresent god.
Once there, I saw Thoma laying down. They must have got him too.


What do I do? They're going to steal the thing I have always dreamed about!
No no no no no no..
Damn Vision hunt decree..
Scaramouche.. did you know all this from the start and betray me..?

My head hurt, the shogun got in front of us while everyone was watching.
Her presence, her power.. it all made me feel sick.

I just wanna go home.
But do I actually have a place to call home at this point..?

no.. I couldn't accept it. I looked up in the eyes of the Shogun. She just replied with a glare.
I looked at Thoma. He had already given up.
Our visions started floating, the Shogun was about to take them.
I felt so weak. I have failed.

But i didn't want to make her happy giving up. Yes, without the vision I was weak. Not less motivated.

That's when everything went dark. I looked around. There were fatui all over the place and between them, Scaramouche.

He told everyone to leave and run towards me holding my face in between his hands
"Are you alright..?" He said in a soft weak tone

"Alright?! The Shogun just stole my vision making me a hopeless idiot! How am i supposed to feel alright?!" I yelled moving his hands away
"I can get it back trust me"
"No.." I said looking down

"(Name) trust me" he said holding both my hands
"I swear on my life I'll get it back. Just.. don't make all this destroy you please.. thanks to a fatui able to teleport things I managed to take you here. We tried the same with the vision but that didn't work" he explained

He saved me?
At the thought of that I realised I could have died and instead got mad at the one who saved me.
Tears fell from my eyes. How embarrassing.
I wiped them off and he just hugged me pressing me onto his chest.

"Till I'm here, I'll make sure no one will touch you ever again" he whispered
"Same.. for you.. I promise I'll get way stronger" I said between voice cracks

"We'll still go to the shrine right?" He asked
"Yes.." I said with a small laugh.

After a few hours I calmed down and started to think. What will I tell to Aether when he will ask me how I teleported away?
I guess that it was my brother who saved me.

I got out to meet Ayaka and see if Thoma was alright and thankfully he was.

Aether told me he snatched his vision away from the Shogun and also that they fought.

"(Name).. why did you teleport away without me?" Thoma asked pretty offended
"It wasn't me it was my brother he just came back to pay me a visit and saved me. I lost my vision thought. I'm really sorry if he didn't save you too"
I said

"She took your vision?!" Ayaka asked in shock
"How are you still.. the same?" Thoma asked confused
"I guess my brother presence motivated me enough to keep my mood up" I said

"Can we meet your brother?!?" Paimon asked exited
"Uhh I don't know. He is exhausted since he didn't come back in a long time. I'm not sure if he will be willing to meet you" I explained

"Why? He could help us a lot!" Paimon said
At this point I couldn't say no

"Uhh alright then." I said a bit hesitant

"We have a little problem" I yelled at Scaramouche once I got home
"What is it" he asked without even glancing at me
"You have to pretend you are my brother"


At that point I explained everything and he decided to cooperate
"Get a wig and new clothes" I said
"Ugh" he said really hesitant
"When do we have to meet?" He asked
"Tomorrow morning"

It was now evening
I decided to wear the Kimono at the shrine.

I got out and saw Scaramouche waiting for me at the front door. He stared at me surprised.

He was wearing something different than usual. More.. fancy?

"This is the moment in which you should tell me that I'm beautiful" I said
"You're pretty I guess" he said looking away.
"You too"

We got to the mountain.
"Scara look at the view!" I said pointing at the tiny lights of the city.
"So what do we have to do here?" I asked
"Uhh make a wish" he then explained me how and we wrote our wishes on a paper slip

I wished for my vision to come back

We then sat down on the grass watching the city.

Fireworks decorated the sky. Scaramouche made a small smile and glanced at me
"Surprise" he whispered in my hear and then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

. ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ،  ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ
Thanks so much for all the reads really <3

Nᴏᴛ ᴀ ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀsʏ ᴀɴʏᴍᴏʀᴇ (scaramouchexfem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now