Chapter five

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. ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

 ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ،  ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

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. . ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

The next few days were kinda boring, Scaramouche had to go on a stupid business trip in Lyue for three days and I spent my time with Ayaka. I think we get along pretty well, for real.
About Aether.. he's a nice guy but it's hard to guess what he's thinking

"Sorry.. do you have any idea about when the Balladeer will come back?" I asked one of the maids
"I think he is coming back tomorrow evening!" She replied with a smile as I thanked her.

It was time to go back to my job and go find Aether.

-Scaramouche's pov-

"SCARAAAAA HOW'S (NAME)???????????" Childe yelled with too much excitement.
"Damn chill, I guess she's fine and stop calling me that" I replied

"Why didn't you bring her along?? Scared I might steal her away?" he smirked
"Idiot she has to stay with Aether, it would be suspicious if randomly she left for Lyue and then came back after a few days" I explained glaring at him.

He continued rambling about her. It was getting kinda annoying.

I hate staying here. Inazuma is way more peaceful and also.. I appreciate more (name)'s company than having this ginger around

"Are you and (name) getting along? At the beginning it seemed like you guys were about to kill each other" he said smiling
"I guess, now back to work I have to-"
"You like her?" He suddenly asked daring to cut me off

"Ugh of course not. I barely know her. I dont know if she even considers me as a friend.." I explained.
Damn I said too much he's going to take the wrong idea
"Why? Do you wish to be more?" He smirked

"Yea yea.. that's what I used to say.. well, it's ancient history, I prefer Zhongli of course" he said
"What the fuck"

"anyway, back to the Tsaritsa.."

I'm so sick of the fatui.. I just want to go back to Inazuma..

(Name) do you miss me?

-(name)'s pov-

"So you are trying to find your sister?" I asked genuinely curious
"Yea.. we recently met her thanks to a guy named Dain.. she's part of the abyss now. People call her the princess" he then explained with a frown
"I'm sorry I brought that up" I said placing one hand on his shoulder
"It's fine.. I'm thankful for all the people like you that willed to help me" he said with a warm smile that Olivia used to do..

"(Name) you there?" He suddenly asked
"Ah sorry I was spacing out.." I said

I was about to say something until I recognised one of the maids from Scaramouche's mansion coming in my direction
"Lady (name), I have to tell you that the things you've ordered recently had finally arrived, I apologise to have interrupted your conversation, but lady (name) must check this packages" she explained


I didn't order anything..

Scaramouche is back?

"Oh.. OH RIGHT!" I said getting exited
"I'm sorry Aether my order as finally arrived! Tomorrow I'll tell you about it!" I said running of
"lady (name)! Don't run!" She tried to say but I couldn't wait

I stormed in the mansion just to find a tired Scaramouche sitting on the couch
"Scara you're back!" I said getting his attention.
His eyes widened in surprise after getting back to normal
"Don't.. call me that"
"Aww but I like it!"
"I don't care" yea, now he's fully normal

"Scara I missed you!" I said
"I missed you too I guess" he said getting up
"Really?" I asked
"Now that I think about it, no" he said with a smirk

"Oh and I saw you with Aether" he then said interrupting the peaceful silence
"Are you two getting along?"
"Yea we became good friends" I replied
"Hm" he just said before leaving

"Scaraaaaa" I said knocking at his door some hours after
"I need to ask you something"
"I guess you can come in then" after he said that, I slowly opened the door. His room was way bigger than mine, it even had a bathroom.

"Where are you?" I asked
"In the bathroom idiot"
"Can I come?" I asked
"You want to come?" He asked and I felt he was smirking

"Scaramouche!" I said
"fine coming" he said as he opened the door of the bathroom.
He thankfully had shorts on, but he was shirtless

I was red and knew it, so I turned around facing the entrance door.
"What? Never saw a guy without a shirt? It's pretty normal you know. It would be way more weird if you were the one shirtless" he said making a small laugh.

"Scaramouche you are making this even more weird than it actually is, put a Damn shirt on" I demanded
"Bold of you to give me orders. But fine I'll do it" he said
As he did that I turned around.

"what did you want?" He asked sitting on the edge of his bed
"Umm I heard that there's a sort of big shrine on the top of a mountain" I stated
"Yea that's true"
"What do you exactly do at a shrine?" I asked as he looked at me confused
"You've never been to a shrine..?"
"Back in Sneshnaya, I never got the chance to visit one and see what you do there.." I said embarrassed

"I guess you wanted t ask me to take you there" he stated
"Kind off, if you don't want to it's fine, I can go with Aether" I said
"There will be no need" he said.
"Jealous?" i asked smirking
"Of course not, it's just that I'm for sure more reliable than that traveler"

"Thanks.. when are we going?"
"Tomorrow night, be presentable"
"S-sure!" I said before leaving.

I never thought I would feel so exited about spending some time with him..
My sister always said one day I would have had a crush on someone..
I guess that day arrived after all..

. . ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ
Omg people are actually reading this-
Have a nice day/night <333

Nᴏᴛ ᴀ ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀsʏ ᴀɴʏᴍᴏʀᴇ (scaramouchexfem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now