Chapter eleven

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. ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

 ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ،  ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

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. . ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

I was in a beautiful garden, surrounded by beautiful flowers.
"(Name)!" Scaramouche yelled running towards me. He was wearing a white veil, and a white vest. "Scara?" I said hesitant.
"Wanna come make flower crowns each other?" He said smiling with light pink cheeks
"S-sure!" I said as he grabbed my hand, not my wrist.

We stayed there for a while throwing flowers at each other, till we fell.
We sta back up and faced each other.
He rubbed my cheek "You're so pretty.." he said as I just blushed
he got closer till our mouths almost touched. "Can I..?" He asked for permission as I nodded immediately
His lips were soft and warm, but this dream had to get to an end.

"(Name) wake up we are in Lyue" Scaramouche said shaking my shoulder
"Ugh fine" I said.
"Did you have a nightmare?" He asked
"The opposite, and you interrupted it" I explained
"What was it about?" He asked
"N-none of your business" I replied turning red as a tomato

"I guess it was about me and we were doing couple things.. am I right?"
"No! I just.. ok fine I like a lot dango and Childe gave me a lot of them as a gift.." I said inventing something
"Ugh whatever" He said clearly jealous

"OH MY GOD (NAMEEEEEEEEEEEE)!!!!!!!!!!" Childe started screaming as we got to the mansion
"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" I said hugging him as Scaramouche glared at the two of us
"Sorry comrade, I couldn't held in the excitement" Childe explained as he rubbed the back of his head

"Anyway, it must have been an exhausting trip, maybe it's better if you rest in your room" he said smirking
Scaramouche was completely clueless and we just followed him.
"Here!" He said showing us my old bedroom. King size bed and all that stuff for rich people that Childe decorated the room with.

"Then.. where's my room?" Scaramouche asked
"It's this one" Childe answered
"And (name)'s?" He asked
"together with yours! Sleep well! Goodnight lover birds!" He said with a big smile on his face before closing the door and running away

We just stood there elaborating what was going to happen
"Uhh.. I'll change in the bathroom then.." I said to escaped from the embarrassing situation
"Yea I'll change here..." he said

I took my pyjama and changed into it and then asked Scaramouche if he was ready too. After receiving a yes for answer I got out and found him seating at the very edge of the bed red as a tomato.

"If you want I can sleep on the couch" I said. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable
"No it's alright there's enough space for the both of us" he said getting back to normal
"Alright then, thanks" I said getting under the blankets with him

"Do you come often in Lyue?" I asked him
"No.. I came only a few times but never got the chance to see the city, I just spent the days at Northland bank" he explained
"For how long have you stayed here?" He then asked
"Uhh.. almost a year I guess.." I said

"Are you even tired?" I asked him
"No, but I have to sleep so I'll just force my self" he said turning around facing me.

I copied him and we stared at each other for a few minutes with sleepy eyes.
I then felt his foot rubbing mine. I leaned closer to him and took his hand in between mines and started rubbing his fingers against mines as he just watching.
We fell asleep with that, and when we woke up we just saw a certain ginger staring at us form the edge of the door.

"Get out" Scaramouche said quickly moving away as I did the same
"OMG GUYS YOU LOOKED SO CUTE TOGETHER THAT I TOOK A PHOTO AND I'LL SHOW IT TO ALL THE HARBINGERS" he said as Scaramouche started chasing him around to get the photo.

I started chasing him too and we eventually caught him and got to the kitchen to have breakfast.
"I'll have my revenge" Childe said playfully
"Of course eleventh" I said smirking as Scaramouche almost split out the milk.

"NO WAY YOU TOLD HER" he screamed
"Childe relax.. I wouldn't have minded!" I said playfully patting his head as Scaramouche glared at me

"(Name) we have to head to the bank now" Childe said
"Ugh why" I asked
"Work stuff" he explained
"Fine I guess.. I'll go say hi to Xiao" I said
"You guys aren't friends, you met only one time" Childe pointed out as Scaramouche just glared at Childe
"I guess we are now! Have fun at the bank" I said offended

In the end, I actually went to Wangshu Inn and got the chance to meet him again
"Hi!" I said
"Oh you're back" he said a bit surprised

"How have you been?" I asked
"Stop acting like we're friends or something, we met like the day before you went to Inazuma" he said with a glare
"I didn't plan to go there, it was for work, plus I consider you my friend!" I said
I managed to talk to him for a bit but then he got annoyed and went away as I just got back to Lyue.

"Who is Xiao?" Scaramouche asked while we were having dinner
"Someone is jealous.." Childe said smirking
"A friend of mine that saved me from some hillichurls one time" I said rubbing the back of my neck as he nodded.
"Oh wow, you tell it as if he saved you from a god" Scaramouche said in annoyance

"Oh Childe I have to tell you something-" I tried to say when we were alone
"Yea yea I already know.. I'll find a way to set you guys up" he said smirking
. . ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

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