Chapter thirteen

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. ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ،  ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

 ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ،  ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

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. . ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ،  ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ

We went to bed as usual
"what's the lantern rite exactly?" Scaramouche asked
"Oh I don't know exactly I just know you see.. lanterns. A lot of lanterns"
"Then why the heck do you want to go" he asked glaring at me
"Because.. people say the atmosphere is nice" I explained

"Why do you need a nice atmosphere?" He asked smirking
"Enjoy a new scenery I guess" I quickly replied trying to hide my face in the pillow
"Why do you make everything so embarrassing.." I said as he just chuckled.

"Because I like seeing you flustered" he said smirking
I have to take revenge.
"Are you saying you never get flustered?" I asked as I hugged him with a satisfied smirk on my face
"Of course not.." he said turning red as a tomato
I pulled away and turned the other side.

I hope he didn't see I was red too

• • • • • • •

The next morning we acted as if nothing happened.
"The lantern rite will be this evening!" Childe said really exited
"Thanks for telling us in advance" Scaramouche commented
"It's not my fault! I checked only today!" Childe replied crossing his arms

"Do we have to wear anything in particular?" I asked him
"I have no idea! Now, Scaramouche we have to go! Bye (nameeeee)" He said with a smile grabbing Scaramouche by the wrist

I decided to go out to have a look at some shops to find something nice to wear, but I didn't find anything.
I was pretty disappointed
"(Name) did someone you know die? You look so sad! I can give you a discount for the coffin!" A certain brunette with shiny eyes said popping out of nowhere
"HUTAO NO ONE DIED" I said hitting her in the head

"Aww I even said I was going to give you a discount! Shame.." Hu Tao said faking tears as I just gave her a warm smile
"well.. actually you could help me out" I said
"Ooh do you like someone??" She said smirking
"Maybe.." I said turning red

"OH MY GOD FINALLY! I GUESS YOU ARE GOING TO THE LANTERN RITE AND LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NICE TO WEAR, COME WITH ME" she screamed as she grabbed my arm and pulled me all around the city.

"How about this one?" She said showing me a nice dress. It was elegant, yet not to much girly or revealing.
"Perfect" I said
"Thanks god, it's so hard to find something you like!" She said as I faked an offended expression

We spent together the whole day and I had a lot of fun, we were pretty close from since I got in Liyue .
I remember her asking me if I wanted to buy a coffin for the day of my death in advance and after that, someway we became friends

"I'm glad you are back! It's so boring without you! You aren't going back to Inazuma are you..?" She asked
"I think so.. but I promise I'll come back again!" I said taking her hands
"You better do or I'll lock Childe inside a coffin and make you pay that" she said smirking
"You can do whatever you want to Childe, just.. don't make me pay" I said as we both laughed and continued talking

"Tell me how it goes!" She said as I was about to leave. I waved at her and got back to get ready.

I put on the dress and heard Childe knocking on the door and told him to come in.
"(Name) everything is ready, Scaramouche didn't get our plan because he's dumb fortunately. He is at the Jade Chamber!" he said
"How did you-" he cut me off
"Shut up and come!" He said as I followed him

We eventually got on the Jade Chamber, where I saw Scaramouche looking pretty anxious admiring the scenery.
Childe pushed me and then run off
"Hi.." I said
"So you are the one after this?" He asked smirking
"Not at all" I replied looking away.

We started eating "it's nice up here" he said
"Yea it definitely is. It's the first time even for me to come here" I explained with a smile as he just stared at me

"Is something wrong?" I asked getting worried
Was I dirty?

"No, not at all. You're just.. really pretty" he said smiling

"You look really pretty too.." I said getting really flustered
"Hm.. I know" he said smirking as I made a small laugh

-narrator's pov-

They ended dinner and got up.
"(Name) the Harbingers received your document" Scaramouche then said as (name)'s eyes widened waiting for him to give more details
"You won the bet" he said not knowing what to add

"Really?!" She said unable to believe it
"Yea." He replied happy for her excitement

"So.. what was your fantasy?" He then asked getting really curious.
The moment he said that, loads of lanterns lit up the sky.

"You" is all (Name) managed to say. She gave him the happiest smile ever while blushing like crazy.

That's when Scaramouche with one hand pulled her closer by the waist and with the other one he gently took her face.

"(Name), it won't be a fantasie anymore, even for me" he spoke.
Her eyes lit up, she never felt so complete in her life

He leaned in for a passionate yet adorable kiss and (name) of course kissed back.
They pulled away to breathe and that's when (name) hugged him so tight he could barely breathe, but he didn't care.

He fell so hard for her that nothing could ever change his mind.
He felt normal in her arms.

"I guess we both won in the end.." Scaramouche gently spoke
"Hm.." (name) muttered still pressing her face onto his chest making him turn into a tomato

She then pulled away and grabbed his hand and they decided to go back home.
Childe wasn't back yet (fortunately), they just went to bed and stared at each other still blushing.

"are you just going to stare at me the whole night till I ask you to come closer?" He asked with a warm smile.
He never felt so loved in his life
"Maybe.." she replied as Scaramouche quickly grabbed her and pulled her closer.

"From now on, I'll be all yours" he said stroking her hair
"And I'm all yours.." she said embracing him in another hug
. ݁ ٬٬ ࣪ ، ♥︎ ،  ࣪ ⊹ ֶָ
Don't worry this isn't the end yet..
Have a nice day/night <333

Nᴏᴛ ᴀ ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀsʏ ᴀɴʏᴍᴏʀᴇ (scaramouchexfem.reader)Where stories live. Discover now