DISNEY gone wrong...//7

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⚠️S3lf h@rming⚠️
We are hereeeee. Yesss. We found the hotel and unpacked I shared a room with Niki and minx.The girls room. Slayy. Anyway. DISNEY TIME.
First we did some relaxing games.
Y/n if I win you have to go on the rollercoaster- tommy
And if you LOSE you will go on it instead-i said
NOOOO. TOMMY WONN. NOOOOOO. Great. I got in line and have to wait a hour. Om. Naw. Naw. Fucking HELLLLLLLLLL. EVERYONE STOOD ON THE GROUND AND WATCHED ME SCREAM. I started to feel light headed. I became dizzy and then.it went black.

I woke up back at the hotel with Tommy next to me and wilbur and Niki talking.
Your awake!-tommy
What h-happened?
You fainted. Im sorry I should of never told you to go on it.Im sorry-tommy
It's okay!
Om y/n you okay?- Wilbur
Yea I'm alright will
We're going to do something real quick we will be back in a hour. Okay?-wilbur

I finally had some time to myself. I can relax. I checked my phone and I have some messages from someone. I wonder who it is.
Hii y/n!!
I'm a big fan!
Why are you such a loser!
Your a failure
You ruined everything
Shut up
Oh okay...
Just KYs already. Do everyone a favour

I-I. Why. I believe them for some reason. Their right. I am a failure...
I walked to the bathroom and I found a razor blade. Come on y/n don't be a Pussy!!
I mumbled as the sharp, pointy blade cut through my skin. It became addictive. Before I knew it I had cuts al over me. Blood dripped. A pool of blood.I brang it close to my chest until I heard.
I heard shouting. I left the bathroom door open... I turned around to see a horrified team if Wilbur,Niki,minx,Tubbo, Tommy,Ranboo and everyone else. I slammed the door. Back to where I was. Flash backs flooded my mind as I pressed the blade closer. And closer. We're it was right next to my skin I began to push but then I felt someone. Everyone. I burst into tears.
I'm sorry I I don't feel myself I shouted in tears

They laid me down as Tommy helped my cuts. After he finished he came close and told me to not worry and everyone here loves me. And I believe him. Tommy came to sit next to me. I instantly bust into tears. He made me feel safe. I laided my head on his chest , crying. He placed his arms over me and fell asleep. I felt a special feeling on my heart. This was going to my man. One day. I promise...

(A/N I'm so sorry for the depressed stuff and S3lf h@rm . The story needed some spice and also something to Bring every character closer. Trust me this will be very important later on the story have a lovely day/night, its night for me it's 11:59 as in writting this 😀, luv u- Kat)

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