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I was sobbing on the floor. I can't contain my emotions any longer. Tommy walking away really broke my heart. I have to do something. I got up and ran back to my bedroom locked both doors. I flopped on my bed and just layed there. Thinking about my life choices.

Week later~
Please come out Y/n-Tommy
It was him again. He said sorry a few days ago but I'm not answering.
Please y/n- Wilbur
Just come out..-Niki
I refused and just shouted No. What has my life become. Just a disaster. I kept on inoring them until I heard a voice. A certain voice. A voice I remember. Hold on, is that my childhood favourite YouTuber?!( I will refer to them as C/Y)
Y/n could you come out?- C/y
Why should I?
You've been in there for? A week- C/Y
I opened the door and let everyone in. Tommy stood by the door and looked uncomfortable. I kinda zoned out. I closed my eyes and I was now in the living room having to listen to Wilbur tell me off. What do I say to Tommy?

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