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A/n Hello! So sorry i haven't wrote for awhile. I would love if u could recommend some ideas. I would gladly put them in. I haven't been feeling very motivated atm but lets just get started.

It was a quiet way back to the bnb. Well it WAS slient until dream started bragging about how they did win. I was so nervous . My dare was to argue with Wilbur. But how? I can't just argue with him. I have to find a reason to. Hmm. Let's see. Oo. I'm going to hack his Twitter account and tweet smth then I'll pretend. I am so smart. Wait. What am I going to post. Uhh. Ooh I know I'll tweet 'Y/n is lazy and boring sometimes ngl🙄' Perfecto. I mean I am pretty sensitive abt stuff like that. ~Yawn~ God I feel tired. I'm always tired
Do any of you get tired  easily like~Yawn~ AAA
Nah manly men don't get tired- tommy
Oh shut up u
No, WOMAN-Tommy
Oh shut up u love birds- Wilbur
Then it went silent. My cheeks went red. I was blushing. Hard.
Jeez Y/n it looks like it abt to explode- Minx
I'm too tired to talk And once again I yawned. I placed my head on Tommy's shoulder. I didn't give a fuck of what anyone said. Before I fell asleep I heard SimpInnit,Ooo,SIMP and stuff like that. People are so annoying.

I had dozed off. At night, We were doing a party at the BnB. The adults were going to drink you know what. While us children did whatever. Wilbur promised to never drink when I'm around. This will be the perfect time for my plan. I woke up to see a tall "Man" Carrying me to my room.
Hello WOMAN-Tommy
Hello Tom's
Anyway he chuckled me on the bed and just left.
And he flipped me off!!HOW DARE HE
ugh. I'm to tired. I set a timer for 1 hour then I fell asleep.

~Tommy pov~  

she just called me toms. I hate that name. I suppose i could let it slip by just once?AND NO I AM NOT A SIMP

~Back to Y/n Pov~

~time skip to night cuz I'm lazyy~

It was time. The party. What should I wear. I looked through my clothes and quickly threw on a outfit.

(Just imagine your fit. U wore a swimsuit with a summer outfit ontop).
It was now 8:53 pm. It was already dark. The adults lit the camfire and turned on the faire lights. It was so cute and beautiful. Me, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were going to go down the beach and play,While the adults talked and drinked. Are BnB was overlooking the beach and the sea so it was only like 4 minute walk. Before I left I took wilburs phone. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo stood their as I wrote it. Ping. It was tweeted. Hopefully this will turn out okay?

Anyway we walked down to the beach,leaving the adults alone. It was quiet and peaceful. It was just us 4.
What should we do? I asked
Ooo we should play the game were u stand on some one else's shoulder and u had to fight the other team!-Tubbo
YES! And we all agreed with Tubbo.
We jumped on and made out teams. The strong (me and Tommy) and the husband's ( Do I Even have to say?) I got on Tommy's shoulder s and tubbo got on Ranboo's. It was short Vs short. And as soon as we got on and were fighting ,Tommy and ranboo chucked us off!. We had a few more rounds til I decided I was going to just sit out and look at the beautiful stary sky. I got a towel and dried myself off. After I sat down on the towel. The sky was just so beautiful. The stars glowing bright. The mixture of deep blues and purples. It was great. Tommy came and sat down next to me.
So- Tommy
How do you  Cope with Wilbur? He is so annoying!-tommy
I don't know I guess I just got used to it.
I rested my head on his shoulder.
Oh so sorry
No no it's okay. I kinda like it-tommy
We both blushed. He was so perfect. Wait no. I can't like my brother's best friend!Now Ranboo and tubbo were done. We decided we were going to swim in the pool instead. It would be funnier and cooler.
Tommyyyy can u help me upp- I asked
Ugh okayyy- Tommy
He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Maybe to hard. I swooped up and we were face to face. His hands on my hips. We stared for a moment then quickly let go
Oooo simps-tubbo and Ranboo both shouted
Ugh shut up!- I said
No- Tubbo
I said...SHUT THE FUCK UP!- I shouted in my loudest voice
AAAAAAA-Screamed the boys.
Aww they ran away. Eh. So we got back and I think some of the adults were tipsy. Eh. I don't care. We were all going to make a trick into jumping to the pool. Whoever had the lamest one lost and had to do a dare. I remember when i used to do gymnastics so i was going to do a somersault. I would roll in the air! The order went ranboo, tubbo , me then tommy. Ranboo just did a random pencil dive. SPLASH. He got water on all of us. I was suprised at what tubbo did. He jumped up and did a cartwheel mid air. That was so awsome. SLASH. Now it was my turn i got ready and Jumped. I did a perfect somersault! Tommy's turn now. I had no idea what he was about to do. He shouted "This is called the big man tommy jump". But before he could do anything wilbur had sneaked up on tommy and pushed him. We all bust out in laughter while tommy was cursing wilbur off. Im pretty sure wilbur was drunk. Turns out all the adults(Execpt niki) Got drunk. Those basterds But i suppose they never get a chance like this. Us four all swam around. We were  all best friends so what should we call our group. We had great ideas like: The streamers, The pussy holes and ttry(Tubbo tommy ranboo and Y/N but if ur name was like jazz it would be ttrj)We decided to call us the Chaotic group. It was 10 pm and i was tired well we all were. The adults were still talking and we went about to interupt them. We all went to our beds. Dream had said at the bnb had a secret room. We were going to sleep there and make our den. We made 3 notes. One that said tommy and Y/n wont be sleeping in here tonight and one saying Tubbo and ranboo  wont be sleeping in here tonight. And the last one was 'The Chaotic group den, Only Chaotic group members are aloud in'. We set it all up and made it pretty.

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