Can I tell you something// Gone wrong

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I loved my bedroom! It was perfect. Looks like everyone else finished as well. Tommy was helping me hang up some Faire lights because he is tall and I am not. This was just so surreal. The dream smp moving in all to gether, Well most of us. Tommy sat me down on my new bed and looked nervous and sweaty.
Are you alright? I ask
Yea I'm fine it's just, I uh I um I I I...-Tommy
Spit it out already
He coved his mouth with his hand. He looked terrified. I was in shock. I got up and left to the bathroom, I felt sick. Tommy likes me back?! How though. I just feel guilty now. The door creeked open and I saw Wilbur behind me.
Are you okay?-He asked
I couldn't contain it, I bust out crying. I felt so guilty. I had just got up and left Tommy. He probably hates me now.
Look it's going to be okay, Now, what happened, I'm your brother, tell me Y/n-Wilbur
I-I c-cant-I managed to say within my crying and sniffing
I'll figure it out okay, I'll get get someone/something to help you-Wilbur
He came back later with my favourite drink and with the girls
Here you go, Chear up now-Wilbur as he handed me the drink
Girlie it's gonna be alright!- Minx And the rest of the girls gave me THAT girl talk. It made me feel wayy better. I got up and finally made my way to the living room

To Tommy's Pov where he confessed

FUCK.NO NO NO NO!! I coved my mouth in fear. What the fuck did I just say. She looked shocked as well but she got up and left. I knew she didn't like me. I knew it. This has probably ruined are friendship. Ughh I'm so fucking dumb. I got up and left to the living room.
The boys Realized my sad face and asked what's wrong.
What wrong tom?- Ranboo
I accidentally confessed that I liked y/n and she just left.-I say
Dream and Sapnap laughed a little bit then was serious.
I'm sure she likes you Tom!-Tubbo
Why would she leave then?!- I said while sitting down on the couch. Fucking couch. Who the fuck says 'CoUcH'. It's a Fucking sofa.
I'm sure she will say sorry, You'll be okay-Philza

To Y/NS pov again

I walked into the room and all eyes where on me. My makeup was smeared so i looked like one of those 2017 break up photos. I couldn't stand the embarrassment but the girls blocked my way backwards. I walked towards Tommy to say sorry and to say that I like him too but he walked away. I fucking ran off but tripped mid way. I fucking was sobbing on my knees. I lost control of the world and went into a state where it was just me. I could hear people asking if I was alright witch I'm not and Tubbo confronting Tommy.

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