Tell the truth

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Can you stop
No- they all shouted
I asked to stop
K?-Theu replied
I said..STOP-I ended up screaming my way out. I think I made them all deaf :D.
Alright children were going to bingde a Netflix show. Come on sit down-Dream
We all sat down as quackity and Sapnap ended stream. Tommy had sat down next to me.
We watched the first 2 hours of the show but the I felt tired.
~Yawn~im tired. I layed my head on Tommy's chest. Falling asleep to his heart beats
~Tommys Pov~

The woman fell asleep on me. She is kinda cute..wait no Tommy you can't fall for wilburs sister.
We continued to watch the show. It was finished by now. It was 2:34am. Y/n was still asleep on me. It was only me ,wilbur,dream and y/n. The rest went to bed
How do I get me?-I asked Wilbur as he had probably been in a situation before
Just carry her, like bride style. That's just what I do.-Wilbur
Isn't that was wierd?- I asked
No, you did that not long ago stop being dumb asshole-Wilbur
How dare you swear and yea I guess it's not that wierd
I got up and carried Y/n back to our room with Wilbur. She was just so cute. Beautiful.   I placed her down on her bed
Look Tommy I need to speak about something to you-Wilbur
What is it?
Do you like my sister?- he asked
Mh, that's not what Tubbo said-Wilbur
FUCK, He told you, didn't he.
Look it's alright, I do kinda ship you. Well everyone here does. The way you let her sleep on you. The compliments and the eye contact, Every thing-Wilbur
Look yes I like her. No I don't like her.
I love her ..
Aww that's so cute -Wilbur.
Oh shut up dickhead,I'm going bed. I got in my bed but then I felt something. Whip cream in my bed. Really.
Wilbur burst out laughing.
Ugh fuck off,Could I sleep with you?
And he didn't even resist-wilbur.
I got up and got a different t-shirt. Then I got in the bed with Y/n. She hugged my waist as I hugged her back. I fell asleep

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