Dress shopping

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What story should I do next?This is not the end no worries. Just read now.:D
Thank you so much Tommy.-Y/n
She came close and hugged me. I hugged her back. She let go and gave me a small teesing kiss on the cheek. I blushed like mad.
Ooo love birds-Tubbo and Wilbur replied in sync
Y/n pov now
I walked away from Tommy blushing alot. He was so cute and I loved the table.
Everyone to the middle-Dream
We all walked over and Wilbur and Tommy towerd over me.
So we're going to have a masquerade ball. Well like a party. That's why we have tables for some people. Us singles have a huge table for us. We have to go dress and suit shopping because the ball starts at 9 pm! Girls other car boys in van-Dream
We did as we were told and walked over to the car.
SHOT GUN!-Me and minx shouted at the same time
I said it first-Minx
No I did
Nuh uh-minx
Yuh uh
We both started to fight over the seat and battled to the death!! We shoved and pushed alot. She ended up pushing me out and I landed on the floor. It hurt. By the time I had got up ,minx was holding her middle fingers at me as the girls dove away. I stood that frustrated. Ugh.
I could hear the boys laughing at me.
That just caused them to laugh harder.
As I said that they dove off but Tommy looked back at me. I felt sad but it is what it is. I connected my air.pods and listen to my playlist. I knew where we were going so I didn't mind. I really needed this. Some time to myself to think. To reflect. I thought about did I really like Tommy. I concluded I did. I really do. I picked up pace and jogged there. I arrived in no time. Obviously everyone was already there but I ignored  them. I just walked pass and went in the shop. They soon caught up and asked if I was okay and I replied with a mhm. I think red would really fit me so I looked at the red dress section. I saw Niki at the pink section and minx at the purple. Also I saw Kristen at the black section.
*Here are some red Dresses cuz yea you can pick one or make up one.
I Finally chose the dress I liked and went to find a nice mask to match. I saw Tommy was also looking for a mask. The rest were still choosing the suits and dresses.
*Just some masks
I Found one I liked and waited at the till for everyone else. They took forever but we were all done.Dream had paid for us all. For us girls was the jewelry shop. It was only next door. The boys were going now We walked over to the shop and picked out a few pieces of jewelry. I found some that was perfect.
Time skip to 7pm
I was now going to get ready for the ball. I was allowed the bathroom. So lucky. I put the dress on but I needed help so I asked Wilbur. Surprisingly he was a big help. He left as I put on my jewelry. I started a red make up look. That leaded on till 8:45pm. The dream team were done so we were doing a fashion show. We walked at a time and Everyone looked fabulous. We now began to talk with our posh voices.

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