Untitled Part 24

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I just sit there quietly just staring at the jacket speechless, instead of words I just launch myself on him and cling onto him tight as I quietly start crying getting overrun by emotions. Wakasa just holds me close to him as he caresses my back with a faint smile. 

"C'mon, don't ruin this moment with crying" he frowns as he pats my side. 

"Shut up, asshole" I chuckle as I pull away wiping my tears. "But honestly... Thank you Waka" I say in a softer tone then lean closer and kiss his cheek. 

"I promised Shin I'll take care of ya, if I won't the fucker might come back to haunt me" he frowns.

"He totally would" I laugh then I stand up and put on the BD coat twirling around. "So, how do I look?" 

"It suits you" he smirks as he leans back on the sofa.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Shut up Imaushi" I chuckle as I take off the coat then stretch. "So what time do I have to be ready for dinner?" 

"I made reservation for 8 so we have a few hours so is there anything you'd like to do Princess?" he asks as he looks at me after checking the time on his watch. 

"I don't really know to be honest. Maybe we could watch a movie or something?" I ask a bit awkwardly as I can't really see Wakasa as being the movie watching type of person. 

"If that's what you would like to do princess" he says as with a soft shrug then lays down on the sofa and pats the place next to him. "Unless you don't wanna cuddle.." he cocks a brow and I shake my head and pretty much dart next to him.

Wakasa 3rd p.o.v

As the young woman nested against him his long arms almost instinctly wrapped around her body. He didn't understand why; he who usually only allows girls into his home to be fucked then just to be sent home in the morning is now offering his home for her. The urge of protecting her and wanting her presence around him was almost annoying to him. He didn't like these new feelings, he always shut himself off from everyone, especially women, he did not wanted to get hurt cause he knew how bad that hurts. He would've done anything just to avoid that soul ripping pain of heart break and loss so as a defence mechanism instead, he became the heart breaker. He shut his emotions off decades ago and did not felt anything towards anyone not since he lost him. He didn't think he'll ever be able to feel any type of way towards anyone again but here she was; who would have thought that little rugrat he used to babysit would make him feel this way decades later. 

He always knew he will have this instinctive urge to protect her and Emma, after all he did promise to him he would always look after the girls; but he never would've thought he would actually feel again. He hated to admit but the time he spent in her presence were the first times in decades that he genuinely was happy. She was that warm, comforting ray of sun he was missing from his life, he wanted to kid himself imagining a life with her but he never allowed himself to do so. Who would wanna be with such an emotionless and cynical person as me? he always asked himself whenever the thought of her would circle his mind; and not to mention that she was in fact over 10 years younger than him so he just brushed those thoughts off and shut his feeling off. Or he thought... but here he is, with her in his arms never wanting to let her go.

He barely paid attention to the movie only when the credits started rolling and the pink haired angel poked his face, is when he woke up from his thoughts. 

"You good grandpa?" she asked in a teasing tone and her soft giggle filled the room. He couldn't help but find her adorable and beautiful. As she laid there now turned on her back but still beside him almost under him, suddenly his thoughts started racing again. He wanted to tower over her and take her right on the sofa, like a predator cornering its prey he wanted to trap her in his claws and make her his. He couldn't help but groan as he suddenly sat up, he hated himself for having such thoughts about her, she was too pure to treat her such a way. Only if he'd knew...

"You okay Waka?" her voice came again but this time with a strong hint of worry in her tone as she sat up to and just glanced at him with those beautiful silver orbs.

He just shook his head trying to dismiss her worry. "You should start getting ready. I assume as a female it's gonna take you hours" he said with a frown but his tone reflected the playfulness which recently discovered he had when he was around her.

"Do I look like your average girl?" she cocked a brow but Wakasa couldn't help but smirk as the cyclone couldn't hide the offended tone in her voice which amused him. 

"True which raises another concern... do you even know how to wear a dress?" SMACK a pillow flew into his face as he finished his sentence and for the first time what seemed like forever he actually laughed. The sound took even himself back, it was a sound he did not hear coming from himself for a very  long time, he honestly forgot how his laugh sounded like.

The pink cyclone was also took back by the sudden unexpected sound coming from the male who she always known as the cool, quiet guy but also couldn't help but find him even more attractive, he looked beautiful  when he was laughing. 

"You're even cuter when you laugh" she teased him and stuck her tongue out to which he just rolled his eyes with a sigh pretending to be annoyed but deep down, as much as he hated to admit it; he was enjoying her playful flirting and wanted to pretend they're not just for shits and giggles.  

"Go and get dressed" he motioned towards her room as he shook his head. 

"Yes daddy~" she replied in her usual playful tone before hopping off the sofa and rushing to her room. Meanwhile to her it was just a joke to him it was more, a lot more. Hearing those words leave her lips has sent his mind to some very explicit thoughts, awakening the lustful, hungry leopard slumbering within him desperate to claim her as his. All his mind could think about was seeing her petite frame, naked under him as he slams into her while clings to him mewling and calling him that, while begging for more. 

"God dammit..." he cursed as suddenly his white dress pants became uncomfortably tight around his nether region. But ignoring his erection he moved to his bedroom and decided to get ready.

He was not a stranger to dressing smart, the countless meetings and galas that required formal attire left him with an extensive wardrobe of elegant wear yet still, he struggled to pick the right outfit. He wanted to look formal for her but at the same time didn't want to seem flashy. In the end he picked a light grey coloured vest over a simple white dress shirt, a matching black suit and pants and a blue and grey leopard printed tie, topping the whole look off with a pair of black gloves. He took one last look at himself in the mirror before leaving his room trying not to think too much about how he looks, whether if he has over done it or not. His thoughts quickly came to a halt when he walked back into the living room and his lilac eyes found her. His eyes widened and the air left his lungs as he just stared at the young woman, the young woman who was always a tomboy now stood there looking like a queen. The navy blue velvet dress hugged her body so perfectly like it was made for her, highlighting her every curve ever so perfectly. Her long pink locks pinned up in a messy but elegant bun with a few strands falling in her beautiful face making her look like an actual angel. He was speechless, he wasn't even sure if it's reality or if he dozed off and having the most beautiful dream of his life.

"Oh god... I look weird don't I?" her worried tone wake the man up from his mesmerized haze and he just shook his head as he walked up to her.

"I-... you look absolutely stunning" he said in a soft tone as he took her delicate hand and brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss atop. "Like a queen"

"You're gonna make me blush..." she said with a slightly shy look as she bit her bottom lip which just made Wakasa wanting to kiss her right on the spot.

"Then you'll look even cuter" he replied with a slight smirk then lifted his elbow to her. "Ready, m'lady?" 

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