Untitled Part 27

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"Thank you... for letting him go" I say as I look up at Hyde once Wakasa left. 

"I am no fool, I know better than to go up against the White Leopard himself..." he shakes his head then picks my head up and look at the injury he previously inflicted on me. "Do you need any pain killers?" 

"No, thank you" I shake my head looking at him slightly confused for the sudden shift of behaviour. "Anyway... What do you want from Mikey...?" 

"You're close to him, right?" he cocks a brow as he walks over to the desk and sits down in the large office chair. 

"Was..." I answer with an unintentional frown playing on my lips. 

"Meaning?" he cocks a brow glancing over to me. 

"It's very complicated... but right now I'm sick of his bullshit" I say it with honesty, not even sure why I suddenly being so open. 

"Well, I want to take Toman down, so do you want to help?"

"No!" I snap immediately as I look at him in disbelief. "I might hate Mikey but the rest of Toman are like my family and I rather die than to hurt any of them" 

"What if I say taking only Mikey down?" he tilts his head and curiosity sparks up in his eyes and I just go quiet. 

Sure Mikey has hurt me, countless times but do I really want this...? On the other hand maybe it would knock some sense into him, he is way over his head, but could I really live with myself knowing I betrayed him? If he got hurt because of me? The thoughts spiralled in my head as I just stood there silently not knowing what to answer. 

"How about this, I'll give you a few days to think over it, but I want an answer before New Years Eve" he says before standing up and walking up to me. "Here's my number, I'll expect your call, if I don't hear from you, Toman isn't going to end pretty" 

I grit my teeth as I take the piece of paper with his number on it and shove it in my pocket. "I'll call you... Can I leave now?" 

"You don't even want to look around?" Jekyll suddenly chimes in with a pout. "I was looking forward to showing you around" 

"I rather go... maybe a different time though" I smile at him and a big grin spreads across his face.

"I'll hold you to it" he winks at me then glances at Hyde. "You're taking her or I?" 

"I'll do it, you stay here and deal with our problem in the conference room" he replies in a  sinister tone that sends shivers down my spine but not as much as the sadistic grin that suddenly smears across Jekyll's face. "Come" he says as he walks off and I without hesitation follow him. It might have been a short visit but I was ready to be back with Wakasa. 

I quietly follow him to the under ground garage beneath the luxury building filled with expensive and unique cars. They really must be one of the richest and biggest gang in Tokyo... I think to myself as I keep shifting my eyes from one luxury car to another. The ride home was quiet in the beginning until he suddenly spoke up.

"Can I ask you something about your brother?"

"Only if you tell me how you know all that..." I say as I look at him trying to read his side profile as he was driving but nothing. It was cold and emotionless, like a wax statue. 

"I knew your brother back then... I seen what happened" he says as he keeps his eyes on the road. 

"Were you part of Harutori?" I ask as I clench my fist ready to murder him if he answers 'yes'.

"No. I just got mixed up with them cause I was an idiot" he shakes his head. "Your brother really loved you, you know"

"I do..." I reply quietly. "I hate myself for what happened, it should have been me... He lost his life because I was an idiot. After I lost him I just shut off. I buried his memory deep and pretended it didn't happen, it was easier to just try erase him from my memory than live with the guilt. I didn't think about him, I didn't speak about him...but I never forgot him. After I lost him, Mikey's brother basically adopted me and raised me, along with other Black Dragons members, then we lost Shin too... There was just so much...loss" I whisper as I start to choke up then quickly wipe my eyes and shake my head. "Sorry... I'm rambling, I'm sure you don't care" 

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