Untitled Part 28

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"What the fucking hell do you think you're doing?" Wakasa suddenly snaps at me as he pushes me against the back of the sofa. "Have you lost your goddamn mind?! You're not in fucking Toman anymore! We're not having just pity fights and have a bitch fit over territory! I'm talking drugs, prostitution, money laundering, fucking murder! Do you understand that?! The fuck do you think you're doing accepting offers left and right and giving attitude to men who can literally kill you for saying that wrong word!" he lashes out as his beautiful lilac eyes just burning red with anger. "You're a goddamn fucking idiot! If you wanna die this much tell me I do it for you!" he barks as he grabs his gun and points it to my head. "Is this what you want? A bullet in your fucking head?!" 

My body trembles and my eyes starts to tear up as I just whimper from his sudden out lash but also the realization hits me hard that he is right. "I'm sorry..." I whisper quietly as I look down unable to look into his eyes anymore. 

"Or are you just fucking trying to prove you're not just a whore cause if that's what you want then maybe stop fucking everyone around you instead of making fucking deals with basically yakuzas!" he barks and suddenly my eyes widen as he says that and without thinking I just slap him across his face. 

"Is that how you see me? A whore?" I snap at him as tears stinging my eyes but I ignore. "Oh my god... that's why you offered a place for me! This whole wanting to protect me was just a bunch of bullshit so you can fucking sleep with me! Fuck you, Wakasa" I bark as I ready to storm off but he grabs my by wrists and yanks me back to him. 

"You're not running away again" he says in a serious tone as he looks down into my eyes. "I'm not letting you ruin your life more than you have already done it. Think what you want but I never once offered my help just to fuck you... Don't you think if that was my plan I would've done it already? And do I have to remind you who made the first move...?" he sentence ended up in a whisper as he leans into my lips only inches away. "Forgive me for lashing out..." he says quietly as he rests his forehead against mine then lets out a sigh before pulling away. "I'll take you back to Toman or where ever you want if you wish" he says as he takes a step back. 

"You were right to lash out Wakasa... You trying your best to protect me and I just go around being reckless. I'm sorry... I understand how frustrating it must be" I shake my head then he just sighs.

"You remind me of Shin a lot" he shakes his head and a faint smile appears on his lips. "Just as reckless and stupid as he was" 

"He did kinda raised me... and do you really blame for my attitude when you were my babysitter? I learnt everything from you" I say and cock a brow, there was a few seconds of silence before Wakasa and I both started laughing.

"C'mere you little shit" he opens his arms for me and I just launch at him hugging him tight and burying my face in his shoulders.

"I'm so sorry for stressing you out Waka..." I mumble into his shoulder.

"And I am sorry for calling you a whore... it was very uncalled for. You're free to sleep with whoever you like, it doesn't make you a whore. I really am ashamed for calling you that" he says quietly but in a serious tone as he wraps his arms around me tighter. 

"I know you didn't mean it" I shake my head to dismiss his worry. "Unlike Mikey, I know you didn't say it to hurt me" 

"I'd never intentionally hurt you princess" he says in a softer tone as he pulls away enough to lean down and press his lips against mine. I slide my hands up to his chest as I lean into his kiss. 

"Thank you for protecting me, White Leopard" I whisper softly into his lips. 

"Forever and always" he replies before kissing me again then he pulls away. "Do you wanna know why I acted distant with you when the Haitanis were here?" 

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