Untitled Part 35

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It took us all a few days to recover from the fight against Tenjiku both mentally and physically. Luckily Emma recovered and was released early, Mitsuya been taking care of her since then. I made up with everyone in Toman, especially Mikey, we spent the entire night after the fight talking about our issues and what has happened. The only people I have not spoken to were the Haitanis, they tried to reach me but I just ignored every call and text I received from them. I have been through enough the past few days I just needed a break before another heart break. As much I wanted to pretend Kisaki only said those things to annoy me, unfortunately it made sense.

"Hey, you good?" Mikey voice yanked me back to reality as he threw a popcorn at me. 

"I am, sorry. But hey!" I chuckled then grabbed the popcorn he threw at me and threw it back at him. 

"If you two won't stop throwing food you won't get anymore" Mitsuya warned us and both Mikey and I pouted but quieted down though we silently kept sticking out our tongues at each other.

It was nice to have afternoons like this again. Things felt like the good old days, like everything was fine. The perfect time to pretend that life is fine, that we did not suffer the tragedies that we did, that we did not go through the heart breaks we did. It was a time we all cherished but I couldn't help but feel like something changed, things will never be the same as they were. Where will life lead us? Where will I go? I officially quit Toman. I wanted a break from gangs and violence maybe I'll give it up forever. Who knows, all I know that right now the only thing I wanted is a stable home and someone to come home to and that person is someone who I haven't spoken to in a while and it is long overdue.

"Sorry guys but I have to go, I just realized I have some things to sort out"  I excused my self as I stood up form the sofa. 

"You okay, Angie?" Emma asked with a hint of worry in her tone but I just shook my head with a smile to dismiss her worries before I replied.

"I'm okay, don't worry. Thank you for the invite, I hope we can do this again" I smiled at the rest of the gang. 

"We hold you to that" Smiley grinned at me and I let out a small chuckle.

Everyone was smiling and laughing except Mikey, he had worry reflecting in his onyx orbs and I could tell... he was feeling the change just like I was. He stood up and walked me out to the door where we both stopped.

"Don't go... please" he almost begged as he gently grabbed my arm. 

"You feel it too... don't you?" I asked as I looked at him and he just nodded. 

"I don't know what it is but I feel like this is the last time we will be sitting here together as friends. Something is coming" he said as he looked into my eyes. "I just wanna hold on as long as I can..." 

"Things never be the same as they were before, Mikey. I wanna leave the sinking ship before it's too late... Do the same Mikey, save yourself, save what you can but don't cling on because you'll drown" I said as I caressed his cheek. 

"Just give me one last kiss... That's all I ask of you" 

"You don't even have to ask" I whispered before I leaned closer to him and kissed him softly. We let the kiss linger, we wanted to saviour our last kiss. I cupped his face as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight against him as he deepened the kiss and I let him. I wanted to be lost in the moment, deep down wishing for it to last forever. "Take care of yourself, Mikey" I whispered into his lips. "I will always love you" 

"Always" he whispered as he rested his forehead against mine before pulling away. "Go" 

I nodded then opened the door and walked out. The heavy feeling was still storming around me and it became heavier the second I walked out that door. I felt the crying at the back of my throat which was desperately clawing at me. The choking feeling of breaking down any second. What is going on...? I wondered as it started to turn into frustration but I had to ignore it when I got my Honda and rode off home while trying to clear my head in the cold winter air which thankfully I was able to do so. 

As I pulled up to my house I noticed the car parking in front but I didn't think much about it, probably guests of my neighbours or something. I parked my bike in the garage then finally walked inside. Normally the empty house makes me uncomfortable but right now it's all I needed.

"Finally, you're home" the voice came from behind me and I recognized it immediately.

"Ran..." I whispered then quickly grabbed my baseball bat and turned around but as I did I was already facing Ran's steel baton. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk is this any way to treat an old friend?" he shook his head then gave me his signature smirk.

"What do you want?" I growled as I clenched the bat tighter. 

"First of all drop it..." he smiled as he motioned at the bat in my hand. 

"Like hell I will" I growled but suddenly I felt a body behind me and blade against my throat. 

"C'mon sweetheart" Rindou purred as he nudged the bat with his leg. I let out an annoyed growl then dropped the bat. "Good girl" 

"She can be a good girl when she wants..." Ran smirked as he ran his baton slowly down my body. "How long I've been yearning to finally fuck you"

"Fuck both of you assholes..." I gritted my teeth. "I can't believe how fucking stupid I was to believe you actually care about me, and I can't believe that shithead Tetta was right"

Ran's expression suddenly changed like he realized something. "Let her go Rindou" his tone suddenly changed as he shook his head.

"Yes, Izana did task us to wrap you around our fingers, which we thought would be easy. Just an average woman, right?" Rindou started.

"But we didn't calculate one thing into our master plan" Ran continued.

"What?" I hissed at them. 

"That we'll be wrapped around her fingers instead" Rindou sighed as he pulled the knife away from my throat and stepped back. "We thought you just used us and now that you back in Toman you just threw us away" 

"What?" I looked at them confused. "I am not even back in Toman..." 

"What?" they asked with the same confusion in their tone as I had in mine. "How come?" Rindou asked confused. 

"It's over" I shook my head. "I just want a break from the criminal life" 

"Oh" they both said and I could hear the pure disappointment and in their tone. "I guess this is goodbye, then?" 

"I'm afraid so" I sighed then I turned around to face Rindou. "I will miss you, both of you" I said as I caressed his cheek. 

"As we will miss you, you were the only thing that brought light into the darkness. You truly made every day better" Ran confessed then sighed as he walked up to us and wrapped his arms around me from behind while Rindou embraced me from the front. 

"We won't bother you ever again but I truly wish you a good life" the younger Haitani said quietly giving me one last squeeze and a kiss on the forehead before letting me go along with his brother.

"You two behave, okay?" I forced a smile onto my lips while tears started to form in my eyes as I looked at my favourite duo. 

"You two, sweetheart" Ran gave me his signature grin before walking out my front out with his brother behind him, walking out of my life for ever. 

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