Chapter 1: Just like you

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"I see you are awake."

"Y-yeah...H-how was the surgery?"

"It went well."

"What about my team?"

"They know you are bed rest. You guys won't have missions for awhile until you are fully recovered."

"Do they know what you guys did to me?"

"No. You can tell them when you are ready, but you will go under secret training for awhile."

The boy nodded his head, and went to his room. He was still weak from the surgery, so he took his time to get to his room.

"How was the surgery Commandant?"

He saw his team standing outside is room.

"It was fine. I just on bed rest, then I have do some training."

"Do you need anything?"

He shook his head.

"Well call us if you need us."

His team walked away, and he entered his room.

"I see you are like them now."

He recognized the voice, yet wondered how she got into his room.

"Yeah, I am."

"I can't wait to see you on the battlefield."

The woman left the room, to let the boy rest.

He laid in bed and began to ponder on how his team will react to the "new him."

The Next Day:

The Commandant woke up to find his team in his room.

"Liv, Lee, Lucia, w-what are you doing here?"

Lee is the engineer of the group.

"We wanted to make sure you was doing okay."

Liv is the healer.

"We also clean your room."

Lucia is the leader of the Gray Ravens.

"We just want to make your recovery faster Commandant."

He looked at his team, and smile a bit.

"Thanks. I'm fine."

"Can you tell us what the surgery was for?"

The Commandant bit his lip. He was about to speak, when his door opened.

"Commandant Mars. President Hassen would like to see you.

"Thank you Celica. I be right there."

The woman smiled and walked away.

"We will talk when I get back."

"Okay." The three said

He got up and went to meet President Hassen.

"Good Morning Mars. How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good. Thanks for asking."

Hassen nodded.

"Does your team know yet?"

"No. I was about to tell them."

"Oh. I'm sorry for calling you in at a bad time."

"It's fine."

Hassen put a file on the desk.

"I can wanted to brief you in about your training."

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